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new year resolutions
Spiritual Life
Have a more exciting prayer life.
Read the bible twice.
Be very disciplined in personal quiet time and bible reading
Be on duty as a main service BV
Grow the cellgroup to 26 core members by July 2005
Raise up 6 powerful helpers by July 2005
Quality Club
Save $20,000 by Dec
To be more disciplined in every area of my life
To live a healthier lifestyle, with more exercise and less junk foods
To lose weight
To read the newspapers everyday
To be able to give to my family by May 2005
To bring my mum for an overseas trip by Dec 2005
To be able to use my house for cellgroup meetings!
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31st December
it's new year's eve already! 12.15am. 31st Dec 2004.
it's gonna be a New Year soon...2005!
like alot of things not done.. and i'm leaving on the 4th! *stressed. needa buy some stuff to bring over for my trip.. havent buy! totally slipped my mind, til my mom asked me abt it just now.
tmr going back to office after my appointment.. den will be doing some shopping ba, den will go for steamboat at brother gab's place. what am i gonna do for new year? meeting clients. haha. and service. seems like a normal weekend huh. it's new year!
sunday will be packed, cellgroup appreciation, n265. followed by n211.
monday.. appointments again! :) den will go home and have a good rest for the trip. seriously, i dunno what i needa bring. meeting time? place? no one told me.. and i didnt tot i needa find out. oppz.
i'm excited. but i am confused too. mixed feelings! ahhhh!
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-Thursday, December 30, 2004-
真开心,2005年快要到了!现在真得很有休假的感觉。。哈哈。其实我这几天都好开心。我觉得我真得很幸福,上帝他真的祠给了我很多很多的恩惠与怜悯。这一年对我来说并不是很容易过得的一年。今年真的经历了许多的挫折,改变,误解。。有时候真的当我无法承受压力的时候,只有上帝他一直在我的身边。我并不是一个很会说出我的心事的人。 大多数的时候,我宁愿自己承受,也不会想去找人来倾诉。我不喜欢去打扰人家吧。
我也要感谢我的家人和朋友们[哈哈,我不是在给得奖感言]。。 我爸妈都很支持我的工作,大哥他也很疼我,每当我需要什么,他都会卖给我。。哈哈,羡慕吧。 我身边对我好的朋友,你们都知道你们是谁吧。。 谢谢你们!教会的朋友,同事,和我的老板!
多几天就步入2005年了。。 好兴奋!!
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-Wednesday, December 29, 2004-
oh no...
i realised that for the past few days, i had been into this 'i'm so tired', 'i feel lethargic' kinda thingy again!! cannot! i must get back to work again. haiz. poor me, tink i am kinda workaholic.. no work den will become v nua and stress. hahaz.
today i've got 5 appointments actualli, but 2 got postponed and 1 cancelled. one of the rare occasions that someone would actualli cancel me. *haiz. nevermind, i dun have time to meet everyone anywayz. hahaz.
yestie i took 'one-day leave' hahaz. it was a rainy day and it was so cooling! was at home, and my brother was home too cos he was ill. haiz. i went to get my new phone yestie! so yummy! nokia 6230. thanks brother! my big brother sponsored me with it. heez. told him that my fone is dying le, and i told him about nokia 6230 and he said ok, he'd sponsor me. how cool is that? very.
while waiting for mah turn at the shop, i nearly fainted. dunno why, felt v weak and giddy. :( i felt so suaku, hahaz. dunno why, i couldn't open the battery compartment and i didn't dare ask. and laterz, i dunno how to switch on the phone. *durh. dunno why i tot press once like my pocket pc.. but it's actualli press and hold. so dumb of me! hahaz.
went for leaders meeting and we ended at like 12 plus! wahzzz.. reached home at 1plus. sooo tired. but thank God, my first appointment's at 1pm and my ulcer's gone too. praise da Lord! i hate to talk when i have ulcers and that day i was meeting a client with my ulcer.. i didn't know what i was saying, cos the pain was so intense. hazzz.
laterz gg to meet grace to visit char. heez. lotsa things to do today. heez
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-Tuesday, December 28, 2004-
can i rest?
heez. dun feel like working today.
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-Monday, December 27, 2004-
feelin' so lethargic today. why so??
went out at 10am and came home at around 1plus. i was so tired, i lied on the bed and dozed off. left the house at 3pm and reached office at 4pm.was so funnie, cos the cashier closes at 4.30pm and i had to rush to submit my case with the cash before the time. so i rushed thru all the final admin and passed them to janice. while janice and karine were scanning the forms for me, i realised that i had not let mr foo sign the pfr!! argh. so dumb of me. hahaz. after letting him sign, jan and i literally ran down to the 8th floor, and the people were all staring at us. hahaz
the calling session wasn't so good for me today. kinda tired. how come?i feel tired mentally and physically. i needa get away soon!! austin hill, KL, here i come!! :)
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-Sunday, December 26, 2004-
sunday. rest day.
it's a rest day for me today. heez.
met up with a client today and closed 2 cases. yippee. :)
i chatted with winston from 10.30am - 4.30pm. haven't seen him online for so long and it was fun talking to him. looking forward to him coming to singapore in june!
man, my phone is really gonna die soon. someone buy me a new phone? *hintzz
a few more days to the new year le. so excited!
asawaree is coming to visit on the 30th. so exciting!! she's my penpal from india. haaz.
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-Saturday, December 25, 2004-
new year, new resolutions!
it's time to tink of new year resolutions le! actually i have already written mine. have u? heez. i'd share it here. cos public commitment will make me desire to fulfil them more. :)
before i forget, let me jot down something that came to me mind:
[dun wanna be late anymore.
so that i need not take cabs unnecessarily anymore.]
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merry merry christmas!
this morning went for service again! man, the dance is so super duper cool. i wish it'd never end.. the drama is fantastic too. made me wanna cry. brother Zhisen is such a talented actor ya. glad to see eric and fengjin coming for service!
after the service, we went to V8.. jon, zoe, szehui and me. we were hungry.. and sleepy too. haha. but we enjoyed the fellowship. laterz, kianhong joined us and we went walk walk for awhile before settling down at MOS. guess what. i saw shuashua. didn't speak to him, we just said hi. he looks more handsome now. hahaz.
we left at about 5.. i was so tired! slept all the way home. hehe. heard that jon also knocked out on his way home. haaz
it's such an interesting weekend. it feels like sunday today. szehui and the rest also felt the same. i can't believe today is saturday. so weird to be at Bugis in the afternoon on saturday. hahaz.
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-Friday, December 24, 2004-
merry christmas eve!
haaz.. it's christmas eve le! yepzzz.. excitedz.
yestie was both a stressful and fun dae for me! went to bernard's office in the morning and he hadn't changed much actually. haha. gotta know his business partner, brother yijie, who's also from my church! after that, had to go back to office to submit some cash and giro forms. went to clip [straighten]my hair! i love it. actually i'd love it more if i could rebond ma hair. any sponsors? actually my christmas list is kinda simple, will someone fulfil it for me? *heez
hopped into a cab with karen and reached cineleisure at 3pm. wonderful. we started arranging the furniture, set up the place and ran thru the night's program. fun fun. at 6.30pm, we all went to watch national treasure. nice movie! i was very restless tho, well if u know me, i hate sitting down for so long. that's why i dun watch TV.
at 8.30pm, we went back to the preview lounge and had our party! played games, makan, sang songs, appreciation and haha, i love the last part, we threw poppers and sweets from the 2nd floor. so fun. hahaz. lots of ppl got hit on their heads, but it's fun nevertheless.
it was tiring night for us, esp the organizsers.. me, ivy, celine, kiat, terry.. but it was VERY fun. next, some of us hopped onto our managers cars and headed for le meridien. mr foo booked a room for us to spend the night. carry on the celebration. we played games til 4am and slept.. tired tired. i woke up at 9am and left. dave, celine and siawyen were still sleeping. haaz. i can't afford to sleep.. today have got a cellgroup party! heez. i love this. lotsa parties. heheehehz.
its abt time i leave le. if not will be late. :)
merry merry christmas!
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-Wednesday, December 22, 2004-
Christmas is coming!
it's so near! Christmas is just round the corner only!
i'm sick of my blog.. looks kinda boring. hmmzzz but no time to change.
going for lunch with gladys le.. taaa
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-Saturday, December 18, 2004-
i wanted to wake up earlie today.. but my body really cannot take it le.. so slept til 11am. i must force myself to sleep earlie next time. feel that my health is getting worse and getting lethargic easily. must go and exercise le. hee
hmmz, my table was in a big mess last night. cleared abit and it was still in a mess so i tidied again this mornin. now... it is in a small mess. but at least better den last night la. hahaz. if only my things can arrange by themselves and cme out only when i call them. i am mad le.
lalalalala. today is a good day. tomoro will be better.yah!!
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fun day
it's not sunday, it's funday!
was late for meeting .. again. :( tummyache this morning wor, yestie ate too spicy stuff, my tummy cannot take it again. :( seems like i have to abstain from alot of food. haiz.
met mr lam after training and went thru the programme for christmas. gotta make changes wor. so celine and i spent the bulk of the time finalising everything and going shopping for the necessary items. i must say that i really enjoyed planning with her, thanx!
will be going for holidays from 4 - 9 january! yippee. can't wait for fun time to come. hope i'd have more than enuff to spend tho. God help me.
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-Thursday, December 16, 2004-
i need a short rest
a short rest = a few hours good rest!
can't afford to rest a day or a few days. at least not now!
feeling stressed today cos my appointments were all postponed. i feel good when i am busy! not so when i have all the free time. hmm, workaholic thinking. but i really dun like slacking and having too much free time. i rather be so busy and occupied and have a sense of satisfaction! :)
tomoro will be fantastic!
p/s: my blog looks so ugly! i'd change it when i get my holiday. hee
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a miracle has happened...
and it's happening to me! haha. praise the Lord, i can use my keyboard now! my lappy's keyboard! ahahah. so funnie.. i haven't been using this to type for so long. just now when i was online here, i felt so pekchek cos there was no way i could type anything.. gladys was trying to talk to me and helping me to find a way to connect an external keyboard. she was mentioning something abt ps/2.. so i went to find my bro to help me with that. i found an extra keyboard in the storeroom and i tot that i could connect it and type but .. CANNOT! i nearly gave up.. until i saw charmaine online, and she told me abt this on-screen keyboard. haha. i opened up the on-screen keyboard and i dunno what i did to it and now i can use my keyboard again [not the on-screen one]. amazing isn't it. i also dun understand.
hmmmzzz.. happie dayz! gladys u're such a darling. so sleepy now, gonna sleep le. tmr got meeting!
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-Wednesday, December 15, 2004-
feeling fantastic today!
kinda tired.. but it was a fruitful day! met up with gladys and gave her a treat for her graduation. hee. she very funnie, told me alot of things and suddenly i realised how long i never realli talked to her! still the very 'director' kind of personality. was funnie when she told me abt the things she said to brother eric. she's very animated and really enjoyed listening to her. hope she gets da job tmr!
shouldn't have taken coffee. makes me v distracted. but i love coffee, what to do? why am i caffeine-intolerant??!!
had leaders' cum helpers' meeting at church. i was abit distracted cos of the coffee, but it was fantastic [i mean the message]. brother gab prayed for us all and the presence of God was fantastic [hmm, everything's fantastic today!].
we have decided to have christmas luncheon on 24th. no more changes!
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-Tuesday, December 14, 2004-
it's gonna be a great day for me!
going to pray now.
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-Sunday, December 12, 2004-
keep on keeping on!
everyday's stressful! but i've learnt to just handle one thing at a time.
praise the Lord for yestie's service! have 4 new friends and i was so excited! hee. the sermon was fantastic too! after service, we went to jurong point with da friends for fellowship and it was fun! we even planned to go shopping today. so today we met up at bugis after cellgroup and we went walk walk. i bought some christmas cards and i dunno what they bought.. haha, cos most of us could not find anything suitable for christmas exchange. we spent the bulk of our time at bugis street and in the end slacking ard at burger king and planned for christmas! fun fun fun.
God will help me de! i believe that this dream is from Him and He'd help me achieve!
oh yes, mum blessed me with 50bucks today. heeez
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-Friday, December 10, 2004-
it's not easy but i'm not giving up!
am i stressing myself too much?
i can do so much more. but i must admit there's still fear and laziness when it comes to work sometimes! :P
i'd overcome it.
thank God for everyday. today is another fantastic day. praise the LORD!!
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-Thursday, December 09, 2004-
new shoes!
wow so blessed today.
it's a really tiring day.. running around from place to place. and i almost cried when i realised that my shoes were spoilt. and i dun have extra cash for that.. it's sad, but i trust God that breakthru will come and i'd experience abundance soon!
my last appointment of the day was with anthony and i actually planned to just pass him his policy file and giro form. he wanted to go shop for christmas gifts for his members, but i told him that i dun really feel like walking ard becos of my shoe.. and guess what? he said he'd bless me with one pair as christmas present. woweee!!
i was so excited, and it's one of the best things that happened to me recently! the best gift is the one that comes when u need it the most isn't it? :P lalalalalalalala
i couldn't find the shoe i want at dhoby ghaut, so we went to orchard [cos he wanna buy stuff at perlini's silver]. fantastic, we went to charles and keith and found the pair that i want, after much seaching. [i'm a loyal customer of charles and keith and pedal works].
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stunned, disappointed
heard something last night which made me totally stunned and disappointed. and literally, my heart beat stopped for a split second and i felt the world collapsing down on me. nothing v serious really. but it made me wunder. why sometimes people don't remember what they say.
anyway, i'm all set and ready to go out!
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-Tuesday, December 07, 2004-
Need a Printer Urgently!
i need a printer!
will someone bless me with one? hee
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above pressure.. focus.. run!!!!
it's december already! did i just realise that? man, it's not too late tho.
my manager gave us a challenge yestie during our weekly meeting. momentarily disillusioned and stressed. thoughts of impossibilities came to my mind. 'how can i ever achieve that??'. went for lunch with one of my colleagues and she was telling me that she met a cute hairdresser 2 days before. i couldn't concentrate on what she said. yea, the hairdresser may be cute, but that's not what i was focusing on! my mind was tinking how i am going to achieve my goals. went back home after that. i decided that i must rise above all the pressures. i must get focused on what i want and start to RUN like crazy!
last night's calling session was a breakthru for me. i was shocked! i hope to keep up that kind of results. i'm going to pray now, and going to do research. it's time to start being diligent. i have faith in God, i am willing to sacrifice, but i need to be diligent too! faith without works is dead. and it doesn't help if i sacrifice blindly and without hearing God's voice. obedience is better than sacrifice! foolproof method: stick close to God and His godly people always.
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-Saturday, December 04, 2004-
certificate of christian foundation!
wow, it's so grand. much more than what i had imagined in my mind to be. it was a brief few seconds that i went up on stage and took the certificate from Pastor Kong and shook hands with Brother Eng Han, but it was so exciting! suddenly i realised how much this would mean to me if it was MY SOT [school of theology] Graduation Ceremony. it's be Grand with a capital G! hmmm.. Pastor Kong laid hands on us and i felt the presence of God so strong upon me and i started weeping throughout the entire worship session. i felt God relieving my burdens and stresses and i know that He is always here with me.
tomoro is another working day for me. gotta rest earlie!
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-Friday, December 03, 2004-
lOOk here!
i feel so slack.. in my work. *shakes head. i need to pick up my momentum for work again. feel so burdened.. for my cellgroup and also for my work. everything seems to be moving so slowly. whenever i tink that i am moving slowly, i'd remember what kenneth sms me before "do not be afraid of moving very slowly. be very afraid of standing still." no matter how slow things may be, i tell myself that i must never give up and i must trust in God. His hands are never too short to reach out to me!
just came back from SC [students' council] gathering. i haven't met up with them for 5 years!!! *so long... everyone's still quite the same actualli. some of us are working, some still studying. it was kinda fun, we kept luffing. look forward to the next gathering! :)
just receive an online card from my god-son, james.. so sweet huh!
JAMES: sorry for not talking to u for so long! been busy with so mani things, sometimes i tink i overlooked some other things. been sick for the past 2 days too.. hmm, u nv gimme liang cha anymore huh. anyway, even if i can't be there to talk to you or hear u share your life/problems etc, u gotta be strong and independent! and remember God is always there for u. and i'd always be praying for u when i am praying de, ya? u enjoy ur holidays, enjoy ur vacation job. lemme know when ur n'level results coming out k. hee. see ya tmr at church. :)
to ALL of my friends: i love u all! :)
merry christmas!!
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-Thursday, December 02, 2004-
stomach flu is back
my worst nightmare is back. argh.
last night was tormenting! couldn't sleep properly and was enduring the pain my abdomen.. i kept praying for the pain to go away.. was hoping i could vomit out watever's in my tummy but i decided not to tink abt vomitting.. cos i hate vomitting! eventualli, i fell asleep cos i was really too tired. was awoken again by the pain and i went to the bathroom. ahem. and the pain subsided.. forced myself to sleep again. kept wundering if it was stomach flu, i hoped it isn't!
today i rest the whole day at home, and the bitter taste was lingering in my mouth and i felt like vomitting.. my tummy always pain.. and wanna go bathroom. :P
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my mind feels so empty now. mayb cos i am tired?
alot of things have been happening recently and i feel so overwhelmed. happy things, fun things, stressful things, exciting things, sad things, depressing things.. kinda overloading me!
thank God He still pulled me thru. :)
i pray that things will pick up abit faster.. and faster. feelin' kinda drained and abit of impatience too i guess.. not surprising cos of my character. where's the results? where's the things i wanna see happen? they're not happening yet. but i shall not give up. God's timing is not my timing. it shall happen soon!
i need to seek God much more.
been tinking abt myself, my character, my life.. suddenly realised i have lotsa friends, but i don't have a confidante [apart from God of cos]. it's not easy to find a soul-mate, a confidante, a really trustable friend to share with. is it really important to find someone like that? yes and no. i guess.
can someone tell me something!
i'm sorry if i have offended u someway or another. i believe it was not on purpose. i'm not so much of a 'relater' kind of person.. nor am i a 'socializer'! but i do love people.. i love all of u! i tink i need to express myself more? hmmmz.
my head is splitting apart from all that tinking.
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