-Thursday, December 02, 2004-
my mind feels so empty now. mayb cos i am tired?
alot of things have been happening recently and i feel so overwhelmed. happy things, fun things, stressful things, exciting things, sad things, depressing things.. kinda overloading me!
thank God He still pulled me thru. :)
i pray that things will pick up abit faster.. and faster. feelin' kinda drained and abit of impatience too i guess.. not surprising cos of my character. where's the results? where's the things i wanna see happen? they're not happening yet. but i shall not give up. God's timing is not my timing. it shall happen soon!
i need to seek God much more.
been tinking abt myself, my character, my life.. suddenly realised i have lotsa friends, but i don't have a confidante [apart from God of cos]. it's not easy to find a soul-mate, a confidante, a really trustable friend to share with. is it really important to find someone like that? yes and no. i guess.
can someone tell me something!
i'm sorry if i have offended u someway or another. i believe it was not on purpose. i'm not so much of a 'relater' kind of person.. nor am i a 'socializer'! but i do love people.. i love all of u! i tink i need to express myself more? hmmmz.
my head is splitting apart from all that tinking.
mayling signed off at
|1:54:00 AM|