-Tuesday, December 30, 2003-

today we had our appreciation party at church (chinese church hall), it's realli a BIG thing for us. Esp since we only had like 5 days to prepare everything! all the praise and worship, performances like cheers and dance, awards and appreciation, hospitality, ushering and security and everything! i am realli proud of my powerful CGL sis sher, she really makes things happen. sometimes i feel that i can't keep up with her faith and capacity, but it's really a challenge for me to be under such a powerful leader!

woke up realli early today at 6am, feeling sleepy... went to boonlay to meet the other members up and we went to church, but church was not open yet. so we gathered at the void deck near church and sis sher gave us a final briefing for the appreciation party. everything had to be done smoothly, cos we're expecting 20 over guests from other cellgroups to come.

when the church finally opened at 10am, everyone of us went in excitedly and started to set up the place.the sound system was only set up by around 11 plus and our rehearsal time was delayed. we just did the best that we can and thank God we managed to start at 1.30pm.

the guests that came were brother gabriel (my zone supervisor) and sister mag (brother gabriel's wife) , brother victor (e254), xiaoyun (n211), royston (e33), sister grace and brother jincai and brother eugene (leaders from pastor aries zone), melvin (guitarist! from e317), cindy teng (e317 to help us with sound) and gabriel (eh...dunno which cg, but came to help with sound too), desmond (eh... forgot which cg, but came to play drums for us), isaac (e39, to help us as cameraman). thanx for all of their help to put together a great Appreciation!
and of cos not forgetting the other guests who came to grace the occasion, the members from e39!!(ohya, zixiu was there... hmmm she didn't make much noise today tho... haha, just kidding. zixiu is a very funny person... she actualli pushed someone off the choir platform during soundcheck before christmas drama.)

the woodlands ring secondary school and marsiling secondary school students came up with revival cheers for their respective schools and it was impressive! i'm so amazed at their creativity and their talents! tho they're so young, but they are really have great ability, creativity and productivity!

we had a dance performance put up by sis sherling and the helpers (which includes me), after which we had a prize presentation time. we presented awards to our dear members who had outstanding performance in the cellgroup.after which, we also presented a 'secret' award to our beloved leader sis sherling (well, its not so secret after all, cos she saw the award by accident unfortunately...). it's called the Good Shepherd Award. after that, sis sherling also presented 2 special awards... Outstanding Leadership Award (presented to..... me!) and Outstanding ArmourBearer Award (presented to.... Kiong!). i was so touched when i got my award that i wanted to cry, i wanted to say something to sis sherling, but there's no time, so i tink i'd email her.

after that we had a powerpoint presentation to present the photos that we had taken from the beginning of e168 (june 03) til now. it's only like 6 months, but we had grown tremendously, and indeed, it's a quantum leap for us! i am so proud to be in this cellgroup, to personally witness the miracles of God and how endless and unlimited God's power is and how faith can realli overcome all impossibilities. it's an eye-opener to me, and until now, i cannot believe how a young cellgroup (the members are realli young, and we're only like 6mths old as a cellgroup) can achieve something so phenomenal. it's realli God! and it takes a powerful leader with great faith to do something like this too....

today is indeed a happy day for me. i see how the members are united together, and how we actualli put together an event like this within a few days preparations. and i realli appreciate those people who stayed up the night before to prepare the powerpoint and awards for us... feel so bad and sad that i wasn't there... thanx sis sher, gwyn, charlotte and karen!

mayling signed off at
|12:06:00 AM|

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-Sunday, December 28, 2003-

today is the last day of the christmas drama! *sobz

sobz partly cos i didn't bring alot of frens (in fact i only brought 1...) and also cos singing in the drama choir was so fun! tho it was very tiring, cos i attended every service (total 7) but i enjoyed it all! and got to know choir ppl in my zone better (like zixiu and elaine... and of cos kiong la, my cellgroup member).

i miss everything!

had a lot of crap happening these days.... like zixiu talking in the middle of praise and when pastor kong is speaking (haaa)and she pushed someone off the platform during soundcheck before drama! that was so funny. thank God the sister in front of the sister being pushed off was steady... if not, we'll see the 'dominoes' falling.... imagine that!

today is the last day le... woke up really early this morning. i didn't sleep much, only 2 hours... why? cos i couldn't sleep! why? cos i was afraid i can't wake up and miss the first service in the morning which is at 10am and choir gotta report at 8.45am. i woke up at 5.54am, thanx to Carter who gave me morning call. immediately i got up and called kiong, he's awake already.

i met kiong at boonlay and we went for breakfast at the kopitiam near church. i didn't have appetite to makan, so just drank abit of milo(tastes bad). den tabao food for carter cos he gotta makeup for drama so cannot come out and buy.

zixiu didn't come today! brother eugene not conducting today also. sister gene took over. tink one of the singers not there so brother eugene had to stand in for him.

realli enjoyed these few days of singing! it's realli the joy of serving God!

after the last service, i was very tired, but we still had to travel to admiralty to aunty wendy's house to prepare for the appreciation. everyone was busy with their own things and for me, i had to practice the dance item, and also tink of what to say for the prize presentations. the members doing the powerpoint was the most stressed... they realli have alot alot to do!

appreciation is on tuesday! we have very little time, but i have faith that things are gonna work out well.

mayling signed off at
|12:22:00 AM|

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-Friday, December 26, 2003-

hee... i bought a Christmas logcake (called yule log in french... according to my good friend in France, By) from Breadtalk.

mayling signed off at
|1:15:00 AM|

my own service was on Christmas Eve, after that we went to Ang Mo Kio for countdown and makan... supposed to reach home before 1.30am but i got home at 2.25am instead! opps... but thank God i didn't kena scold again. heh.

this is me! i have a christmas hat!

ryan, gwyn,zoe and cedric... squeezing in..my phoneCam too small le la

today was christmas day... supposed to wake up 7.15am in the morning for service (cos JonLim bringing 4 frens) but i woke up at 8.06am! i quickly showered and changed and took a cab to tampines and caught the second bus. Thank God! when i got to church, i was at the end of the queue at B2 and i was tinking... how to book 8 seats? but when i went in the Auditorium, i managed to get the second row! however, our frens came quite late, so in the end, we only got like 5 seats? and had to squeeze 7 people... Sis sher and I had no seats so we had to exit the place.

@1pm ++, the rest of the members came and we had our gift exchange! i got a handphone holder from Howe! haa, now i can put one of my phones inside... how about my other one den? *hint hint. haha.

@2pm, we had prayer meeting with Pastor Kong and the other Pastors and Zone Supervisors... it was a powerful praying meeting! it's been so long that i've prayed for this long... like 2 full hours? i felt very physically tired, but spiritually i feel so charged up! talking abt physically tired, i tink i realli need to do something, i tink i get tired too easily. i slept all the way home on the MRT and when i got home, i fell asleep after reading a book...hiyo! when i woke up, at's like 12plus in the morning! i went to check my handphone frantically and i saw a message ...

we're gonna have an Appreciation on the 30th December @ church. it's gonna be a BIG thing! Brother Gabriel and Sister Magdalene and some other leaders are gonna come, and E39 (Sister Mag's CG) will be coming to attend too. Melvin will be coming to play praise for us (Cheekiong is leading) and i'd play and lead worship myself. there's gonna be alot of other performances, awards and appreciation... stay tuned!

tomoro gonna get back to work again... in fact, i've been working everyday! for the Lord! haa, isn't that wonderful? i guess i'd end off this year well... thank God. meanwhile, i gotta hang on and bash thru... very tiring but it's all worth it.
i'm on choir duty tomoro! yay!!! in fact, i'm gonna sing tomoro, sat and sun too.

hiya... i haven't make my christmas card yet.... huh? what? christmas is over? aiyo, how leh...

mayling signed off at
|1:09:00 AM|

-Monday, December 22, 2003-

My elf name is Laurewen Surwen.

mayling signed off at
|10:17:00 AM|

Which band instrument are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

wOah.. trUe hUh.. sOuNds LikE my nAmE sOmEmOrE...

mayling signed off at
|1:12:00 AM|

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guEss whAt? Our cEllgrOup hAd a tOtal of 102 AttEnderS for ChristmAs cOncErt! so cOOL! thE mEmbErs rEaLLi brOught alOt Of frEns dOwn AnD thEre's sOOOO mani frEns, i cAn't rEmEmbEr aLL Of thEm...

thErE'rE a tOtAL Of 9 cOncErts this wEek and On thE AvEraGe, mOst Of my CG mEmbErs AttEndEd 3 sErvicEs at lEast... i tink my CGL (Sis ShER) attEndEd aLL. vEry tiRing Of cOs bUt iT's aLL wOrth iT!

okie, i've got pics to show...
this is GAry and cEdriC!

tHis iS cEdriC with his bEloved sAntA hAt...
Ced is onE of the very pOwErful EvangElist in my cELLgrOup, and hE's lovEs tAking fotos... *luffs

jUz nOw hAd chOir prAc... mOst Of thE timE wE wEre 'fixing' Our stAndiNg pOsitiOn fOr thE ChriStMas StOry nExt wEEk...

this is mE with KaiLun & ElAinE..

kAiLuN rEalli vEry crAzi oNE lOr... kEEp lUffin and cAlling me FiFi... dEn i cAlled hEr Fia Fia...

End of A tIring wEEk bUt mArks thE bEginNinG of aNother... rEalli prAy thAt wE cAn dO EvEn bEttEr fOr ChristmAs stOry! ... aNd i rEalli lOok fOrwaRd tO thE drAmA... cOs i'd bE singing iN the Choir! gOnnA bE aNothEr bUsy wEEk sO i bEttEr dRink mOrE H2O...cOs... mE hAving piMpLEs OUTBREAK! *argh.

aNd rEalli hOpe thErE's a fiNaNciAl bReakThrU sOON... fEEL so sTrEtchEd financiAlly...

mayling signed off at
|12:37:00 AM|

-Sunday, December 21, 2003-

it's like 1.27am now... came home awhile ago from the movie!

it's good, quite funny and very exciting! well, u better go watch it soon! i'm expecting to watch like another 2 times at least, once with my cellgroup and another with ShUfAng aftEr wE gEt Our pAy... dUnnO if qUAnsOOn and cArtEr still wAnnA wAtch thO...

wEll i still prEfEr watching part one and two as cOmpArEd tO this... probably becOs it's the lAst and i'm gOnnA miss it alOt.. and lEgOlAs (my fave character!) too... and prolly cOs this hasn't gOt mUch fOcus on LegOLas... mostly on frOdO, sAm and ArAgOrn of cOs.

this is realli a tiring day for me...

met up with jingyi at 11am@Causeway cos i need to buy some stuff... we shopped realli fast and we decided to go to Yoshinoya to wait for the rest... our cellgroup members came to join us around 12nn, along with the friends they invited for the concert.

@12.45pm we all proceeded to wait for the bus we chartered to bring us to church... but there were some miscomm and we left woodlands @ ard 1.20pm.

when we got to church, it was so crowded! altho we managed to go inside the auditorium, we were all separated, and some of us have no seats. i ended up with JonLim, Gary, Keatmin, Cedric, Sebastian etc, sitting on the floor of the left corner of the stage! well, great view, i have nothin to grumble about! *luffs.

after the concert, it was raining quite heavily... we walked in the rain to the coffee shop and i was all drenched. after they have eaten, it was still raining! and i was drenched, AGAIN!! *argh.

i headed for tampines to meet my brother, supposed to meet at 8.15pm, but he was late! i was so worried dat the tickets would be sold to others (cos we're supposed to collect tix like 1/2h in advance).. but thank God it didn't happen. my brother arrived at like 8.45pm... heh, i bought alot of food cos i was so HungRy! one drink, one popcorn, one nachos and one hotdog! shouldn't haf bought the nachos... the hotdog is nice tho! rEali nicE!!! *yummyz

my phone kept vibrating during the show! cheryl called... which i didn't ask why cos she said 'bye' after i said i'm in the cinema, carter and quansoon called also... quansoon said he's @ tampines too. later i found out that he's also watching ROTK but at 1am...

tink i can't go for the morning service tmr... cos there's choir prac tmr for christmas drama... how? am i not trying hard enuff? am i compromising? last week i got scolded until 'upside down' cos my mum said that i 'went out early and came home late'... dat's why i decided not to go for the morning svc tmr. but i'd still go for the 2nd and 3rd svc...

realli wrote alot today... haa... i better go and rest now... recently i am realli lack of sleep and water. pimples outbreak. hate it. argh.

mayling signed off at
|1:33:00 AM|

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-Saturday, December 20, 2003-

it's only like.... 5 days away from Christmas??



no time!!!


got lots of stuff to buy... got presents to buy. where to find time? tink tomoro after service, after fellowship, gotta rush down to tampines to meet my brother 2 do some shop shop first, den go for LOTR:ROTK!!!!!!!!!

tmr is an exciting day! it's Sun's Concert! ya, i went on thu, but it's so good, it makes me look forward to it AGAIN!

tmr me meeting jingyi to go shopping at causeway first, den we'll go for lunch with the rest, and den we'll head for church! yay!

den @ night going for movie with my brother (real one k, the one sleeping next door! haha)... my fave movie! can i sleep tonight? i'm afraid not... tmr's way too exciting for me! hahahah

today i went orchard again to run errands... with jean, vion and jasmine! we went to KFC. haiz... everytime i eat KFC will have tummyache... today also. but last time worse, i'd have tummyache and vomit also. now i still feel weird in my abdomen... no more KFC! only can eat KFW (kentucky fried wedges)... haha. cos oni when i eat their chicken den got problem. but i LOVE their wedges!! *yumz. we ate cheese fries too... 4 of us shared one cheese fries and one pack of wedges... *yumz!

mayling signed off at
|12:05:00 AM|

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-Friday, December 19, 2003-

had a hard daE @ work cOs i wAs so sLeEpy...

my flEsh wAs tElling mE 2 gO hOmE aNd sLeEp, dUn gO cOncErt 2NitE... bUt i dEcidEd 2 disMiss dAt tOt aNd yEs i OvercAmE it! wEnfEng cAmE aNd i tink shE EnjOyEd it thO shE's vEry tIrEd! mE hAf bEeN iNviTinG hEr fOr Like... 4 yEars? fiNalli sHe's hErE and i Am sO hApi!

took some dumb pics on the bus home...
carTeR kangkong CaculItan

these are just a few i took today... can find the rest inside my photo gallery!

wow, the concert is nice today!

realli got a biG shOck when i reached church today. it's TOTALLY PACKED. i couldn't even take the lift or staircase down, the entire lobby was jam packed with people, and ppl are queuing up to take lift... and even the stairs! had no choice, gotta go 4th floor cafe to watch. it was still GOOD.

love all the songs, very hyped up wor!

and pastor sun shared her life testimony... she was very engrossed in her sharing, and she teared. realli can sense the love of God when she was sharing.

will be inviting my brother for saturday svc... hope he can come. in fact, i have invited him, he is still considering...

mayling signed off at
|7:00:00 PM|

-Thursday, December 18, 2003-

today jasmine, ViOn and i went 2 OrchaRd to run soMe ErrAnds...
tho we're very tired, we had fUn! ~ i took some pics throughout the trip...

okie, there's a rEaLi hugE christMas tReE insiDe TakA...

and there's this rEaLi biG stAr on tOp of thiS tReE...

we went to have lunch at OrChaRd... cos we didn't haF any appEtite to makan bEfore wE left for OrChard... so we wEnt 2 Eat Only aFter wE haF coMpLeted our TaSk thEre... wE aTe DeLifraNcE... NiCe!!

after that, i went to LuckyPlaza cos QuanSoon is there coloring his hair and hE askEd mE 2 gO ovEr... kindA dumB, i jUz wEnt fOr awhiLe N' hE dIdn't evEn tALk 2 mE! hE sEemEd sO eNgrOssEd in hIs hAir...

i mEt cArtEr fOr LiKe 2 min? paSsEd hiM a KitKaT cHunKy and I hAd 2 hEad bAcK 2 OffiCe.

i flipped thru the NewpapEr whEn i rEachEd OffiCe and i wAs sO temptEd to watch LOTR! ... i sms my brOther, bUt hE cAn't wAtch 2nite cOs hE's bringing wOrk hOme... *sad. i OnlY cAn gO witH my brOthEr fOr lAte nighT mOviEs cOs my mUm wOn't aLLOw mE 2 gO wiTh my friEnds ... *sob.

aNywAy, my brOthEr aNd i hAf boOkEd the tix for this SatUrday's shOw!! wowEe! *leaps

mayling signed off at
|6:00:00 PM|

-Wednesday, December 17, 2003-

Congratulations! You're Gandalf!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

this is so cute!

quite true tho... hiakz

mayling signed off at
|11:25:00 AM|

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-Tuesday, December 16, 2003-

You're the cheerful smile,the one that's truly
happy with almost everything you do and would
never change your life.

What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

mayling signed off at
|1:39:00 PM|

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hee..i'm blogging for yesterday...

was monday...

i took a half day leave cos i wasn't feelin' well in the morning... lost my voice! and feel like having a fever liddat... so i rest.

went to work in the afternoon...

went for choir prac at church...

...supposed to meet zixiu and carter at cityhall there, but i was earlier den them so i decided to head down for boonlay first so that i can withdraw some cash... in the end, they reached church earlier den me. so i met cheekiong and we went to church together...

so funny, i had no voice to sing at all, so i could only mouth the songs... i had to leave for home early... left at 9.30pm... guess what... i reached home at 11.30pm! why i stay so far away??? i was so tired, and i didn't dare to use the PC or phone, cos mum was in. i even turned down the volume of my handphone (in case someone calls)... and den i went to sleep. when i woke up this morning, had 4 missed calls... goes to show that i have so many 'owl-friends'...

my voice is coming back, but it's still very bad... very croaky. *sianz

mayling signed off at
|1:22:00 PM|

-Monday, December 15, 2003-

alright, i forgot to blog about these... *haaa

we had cellgroup meeting yesterday... the praise was very exciting! haaa, i enjoyed playing the guitar for the praise leader, kiong, it seems that everyone was very exuberant yesterdae...

the chocolate steamboat (aka chocolate fondue) was fantastic!

we had gift-making for christmas after that...

one of the gifts we made...

it's an ice cream stik with macaroni alphabets stuck on it... "Christmas E168". E168 is my cellgroup!

this is ryan... taking up the fan and drying the ice cream sticks...

after that, i had to rush to causeway to buy new shoes (i broke my old one in the morning b4 cellgroup!)... quite nice
my new shoes!

the SOT graduation (aka ComMenCeMent!)is very haPpEnInG! well, the atmosphere was so filled with excitement, can realli feel that the graduands are so excited and so happy...

i wunder where to get real chocolate fudge, coz we bought chocolate syrup, which is not thick enuff. we ate alot alot of fruits! lemme see... we ate a whole bunch of bananas, 4 apples, 1 mango, 2 dragonfruits, 1 box of strawberries... and 1 loaf of bread! and we're still left with one bowl of chocolate syrup, so gwyn and i decided to drink some of it... (haaa...). and the remaining ones we had no choice, but to throw away... (anyway, not left with much also).

ohya, and we celebrated jon tay's birthday! we bought him a converse bag.. wow.

after the chocolate steamboat, sis sher and kiong went to sis joyce's baby's first month celebration. so the rest of us had to stay around and do the christmas presents for new friends...

mayling signed off at
|11:09:00 AM|

actualli lost my voice yesterday...

realli dunno how i lost it... it's either becoz i strained my voice when i was leading worship during cellgroup, or coz i drank some of the Hershey's chocolate syrup (sinful! yikes!)...

now my voice is like... i realli dunno how to describe. can't even speak...

mayling signed off at
|11:06:00 AM|

(0) comments

got scolded by my mum this morning...

went to admiralty and couldn't get the Hershey's chocolate syrup i need for Chocolate Fondue...

my slippers broke this morning before cellgroup...

forgot to buy satay sticks for the Chocolate Fondue...

lost my voice today...

got scolded by my mum again just now...

feeling sad now.

mum just scolded me for coming home late... cos i went for the SOT graduation. and she scolded me for having to wake up early on Sundays (cos i have cellgroup) and she can't sleep... she has never scolded me like this before. she shouted so loud at me that even my brother next door came over... it was 1.30am.

the devil is realli out to get me... i just want to serve God... but the devil keeps coming to distract me... Christmas is comin and there's alot of choir practices at night... that's why i've been going home late... i realli realli want to be involved in the choir for Christmas... but my mum says she'd lock me out if i get home later den 11.30pm. how?

i am tired, but i can't get to sleep. God, help me.

mayling signed off at
|1:50:00 AM|

(0) comments

-Friday, December 12, 2003-

went to Chapter 2 last evening to do my hair.. it's a new salon at Bugis, very cool! the interior design is realli nice... and cosy too. i went with Michelle Qiu to do our hair, shuzhen came along to... hmm... accompany us. *haa.

my previous hairdo...

my new hair color...

me and my colleague, jean

me and my colleagues @ AsiaOne!... jean, jasmine and shufang...

Chelle didn't cut her hair, cos she already cut it last month, she colored her hair.. copper with blonde streaks? not sure of the color, but it sure looks nice, yummy-ish copper.

heh, i cut my hair! a totally different look. (kinda miss my old hair). looks very punk and rugged and jap-ish. needs a lot of styling to look nice i tink... my hair is very layered now. oh ya, the hair color, CoPpEr bAse with Red-OraNgey StrEaks... i like the way the stylist put the streaks on my hair. UnCoMmOn plAces. i like the new look, but i miss my old hair too.

mayling signed off at
|11:13:00 AM|

-Thursday, December 11, 2003-

just came back from movie with the guys... Carter, Quansoon, Michelle (Fong), John and Mackenzie (liddat spell ah?)... *haa

Love Actually is nice! very funny and very romantic and some scenes are realli saddening too. but we missed the front part (a few min i tink)... so i was quite distracted and confused...

lian joined us after the movie for dinner...

so tired now.

tomoro i am going to color my hair *yay!
so happy.

kinda frustrated today cos Quan soon and Carter keep changing the movie plan... but thank God i persisted... *haa. even if it's called off, i'd still go one lor... either alone or with my colleagues...

anyway, i am sleepy. going to sleep now.

mayling signed off at
|1:19:00 AM|

(0) comments

-Wednesday, December 10, 2003-

You are Fresh Mint.
You are caring and friendly. You have a nurturing
personality and always help out a friend in
need. You are fairly outgoing, and always show
a friendly face. You truly care for other
people, and you show it. However, you may
neglect your own responsibilites or become over
involved in your friends' personal affairs.
Most Compatible With: Orange

Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

mayling signed off at
|1:42:00 PM|

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-Tuesday, December 09, 2003-

playing footsie
footsie - you like to goof around and laugh with
the people you care about.

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

mayling signed off at
|2:29:00 PM|

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-Monday, December 08, 2003-

realli dunno what to put for my title... haha.

anyway, i'm blogging for yesterday! cos when i got home last night, i called my friend, so i couldn't go online to blog...

yesterday was so fun! the sushi-making, the rap, the cellgroup meeting, the new comers' tea (i'm not new comer, i was accompanying the new comers) and the choir practice (man, it was AwEsOmE!)

yesterday was sunday. CellGroup Day! as usual, i was rushing in the morning, grab all my stuff and my guitar and dash out of the house... when i reached Admiralty, Szehui and Kiong were there, so we went to the CG house first to prepare for the sushi-making... shortly after the zone camp people arrived and we started out RaP pRaCtIce! haa, it's so fun! we took bottles (plastic ones and glass...), plastic bowls, dustbin, chopstick etc etc... for PerCuSsIoN! it was kinda corny but it's reALi funniE. KwOkWenG and KioNg were the lead rappers... after that I led the J-E-S-U-S rap (the one Pastor Yong did) and den we went into Praise (thank God SteFf came and played guitar for me... so that i can lead praise)... den i played guitar for worship (Kiong's the worship leader).

after CG, some of us (Sis sher, Kiong, Me, SylviA, JonLim, GarY, JieMing, YuNxiAn, JonTay, PauLina and PeiJing) went for the new comers' tea. altho we're slightly late, my members managed to grab lotsa food, while i helped out with serving the bee hoon to the people. after the food, our ZoNe ppl gathered around and we sabo-ed JianFeng to do the JayChou rap...man, he's good!

at 8pm was the choir practice, it's so fun! it's simply AwEsOme!!! i love the songs! should i tell u the songs? mayb not... hear for urself! haa. (there's another practice tonight too... )

Return of the King is opening soon, i am so excited! 9 more days ... hiakz

mayling signed off at
|1:53:00 PM|

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-Wednesday, December 03, 2003-

yes, i am back from the zone camp! it's reeeeeeeeeeeeali fun! i'm sunburnt!

i miss the campers already!

it was a great 3-day-2-nite camp! (feeling kinda lost right now... i miss the chalet and the campers!)

initially i thought that it's might be boring cos i dunno my group well at all and my members seem to be the quiet sort. however, they turned out to be such a fun and cool group of people! the group leader is kwok weng, he's realli steady and cool. i'm the 2nd leader, the very noisy one..haa. we have 7 members, melvin (the first-look-very-quiet-but-actually-very-corny guy), glenn, esther, pingqi, annie(the cook!! she prepared the french toast for us... yumz), sharlene (always-hyper-and-on gal), sheena (serious and very cooperative gal). i realli enjoyed my time with them all! especially during the drama preparation, i got to see the crazy and corny side of everyone... esp during the 'fighting scene'. it's so fun doing the rehearsals that we don't feel tired at all! in fact, they're realli great people who never complained but are so willing to serve and follow instructions. i am so proud of all of them! and yes, we won the 2nd prize for the Best Performance!

thru this camp, i realli learnt alot. the activities(Games, Scavenger Hunt...), morning devotions(very early morning), the Word (by our ZS Brother Gabriel), the campfire night, the 'Rap' sessions (this is the climax of the camp! man, everyone just went wild...haaa), the 'Great Tribulation' (mini version) etc etc realli made me know more about myself, my character, my attitudes, how i should react when pressures come, how to motivate one another when we're realli tired, to serve one another always...

it's realli amazing how we (the team ics) came up with a special performance in such a short time. we did the bamboo dance and we had fun! tho we didn't have a chance to rehearse cos time was so little! everytime we wanted to meet, the 'siren' would just go off and we have to gather for announcement again. however, everyone's cooperation realli made everything move on and we realli had a great time!

i realli miss the camp. it has been the best camp i have ever been to so far! got to know so many people in this camp and they are realli great people. i'm realli going to miss everyone...

mayling signed off at
|10:04:00 PM|