-Friday, December 31, 2004-
31st December
it's new year's eve already! 12.15am. 31st Dec 2004.
it's gonna be a New Year soon...2005!
like alot of things not done.. and i'm leaving on the 4th! *stressed. needa buy some stuff to bring over for my trip.. havent buy! totally slipped my mind, til my mom asked me abt it just now.
tmr going back to office after my appointment.. den will be doing some shopping ba, den will go for steamboat at brother gab's place. what am i gonna do for new year? meeting clients. haha. and service. seems like a normal weekend huh. it's new year!
sunday will be packed, cellgroup appreciation, n265. followed by n211.
monday.. appointments again! :) den will go home and have a good rest for the trip. seriously, i dunno what i needa bring. meeting time? place? no one told me.. and i didnt tot i needa find out. oppz.
i'm excited. but i am confused too. mixed feelings! ahhhh!
mayling signed off at
|1:18:00 AM|