-Friday, December 03, 2004-
lOOk here!
i feel so slack.. in my work. *shakes head. i need to pick up my momentum for work again. feel so burdened.. for my cellgroup and also for my work. everything seems to be moving so slowly. whenever i tink that i am moving slowly, i'd remember what kenneth sms me before "do not be afraid of moving very slowly. be very afraid of standing still." no matter how slow things may be, i tell myself that i must never give up and i must trust in God. His hands are never too short to reach out to me!
just came back from SC [students' council] gathering. i haven't met up with them for 5 years!!! *so long... everyone's still quite the same actualli. some of us are working, some still studying. it was kinda fun, we kept luffing. look forward to the next gathering! :)
just receive an online card from my god-son, james.. so sweet huh!
JAMES: sorry for not talking to u for so long! been busy with so mani things, sometimes i tink i overlooked some other things. been sick for the past 2 days too.. hmm, u nv gimme liang cha anymore huh. anyway, even if i can't be there to talk to you or hear u share your life/problems etc, u gotta be strong and independent! and remember God is always there for u. and i'd always be praying for u when i am praying de, ya? u enjoy ur holidays, enjoy ur vacation job. lemme know when ur n'level results coming out k. hee. see ya tmr at church. :)
to ALL of my friends: i love u all! :)
merry christmas!!
mayling signed off at
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