-Tuesday, December 07, 2004-
above pressure.. focus.. run!!!!
it's december already! did i just realise that? man, it's not too late tho.
my manager gave us a challenge yestie during our weekly meeting. momentarily disillusioned and stressed. thoughts of impossibilities came to my mind. 'how can i ever achieve that??'. went for lunch with one of my colleagues and she was telling me that she met a cute hairdresser 2 days before. i couldn't concentrate on what she said. yea, the hairdresser may be cute, but that's not what i was focusing on! my mind was tinking how i am going to achieve my goals. went back home after that. i decided that i must rise above all the pressures. i must get focused on what i want and start to RUN like crazy!
last night's calling session was a breakthru for me. i was shocked! i hope to keep up that kind of results. i'm going to pray now, and going to do research. it's time to start being diligent. i have faith in God, i am willing to sacrifice, but i need to be diligent too! faith without works is dead. and it doesn't help if i sacrifice blindly and without hearing God's voice. obedience is better than sacrifice! foolproof method: stick close to God and His godly people always.
mayling signed off at
|9:47:00 AM|