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-Sunday, August 27, 2006-
big chicken cutlet!
oh wat a stupid title. but we did eat a really big and nice chicken cutlet. at kim san leng!
sunday was a rest day for me. jimmy went jogging earlie in the morning and i slept in cos it is so cooling! it rained this morning! haha.
we went to bukit panjang plaza in the afternoon, the weather was freaking hot. i was looking for sally hansen's french manicure set and i found it, at $9.90 only! watson's! usual price is at 13.05. it was pretty difficult trying to use the stickers given inside the set. last time i used to do french manicure myself using normal scotch tape and it worked better den sally hansen's stickers. here's the outcome
i nearly puked blood in the initial attempts but i guess the only trick is in having lots of patience to wait for the polish to dry completely and using the right amount of paint, not too much nor too little.
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-Friday, August 25, 2006-
tired and really sleepy
it's such a tiring 3 days for me but it's really great! i feel a bit sick now tho, body very warm. i pray it's not fever.
oooo, i've added 2 jolin's mtv in my previous entry. she is just so pretty and perfect-looking and she can dance. i'm not a fan of hers but she is just oh-so-nice-to-look-at. even as a female myself, i couldn't take my eyes off her mtv. she has changed alot since she started out. some have speculated that she's done plastic surgery, i'm not too sure, but she is pretty. and she looks different in most of her music videos. sometimes i cannot even recognise it is her at all. i wouldn't say she has a great voice, but she just has that xfactor and most of all, she is hardworking! she is determined not to be just another pretty-face. good for her :) respect her for that.
i've taken a few pics using my new phone.
here's me and my [dream] car. the license plate has been mosaic-ed to prevent people from buying 4D
and this poser
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-Sunday, August 20, 2006-
new handphone!
bye bye to my nokia 6230. it's been with me for 1 year 8 months! it had been a good phone, not much problems, in fact no problems. only recently, it has started to become sick and act weird. shutting down by itself even though the battery's full. and the time wouldn't move! and.. the screen fades off sometimes.
conclusion is, i bought sony ericcson k800i. actualli i wanted nokia 7370, but it's ex for a old model. i only like its design. den it was a close fight between nokia n70 and sony ericcson. i was so so tempted by the cream-colored n70, so girlish! sony ericcson is so manly! argh. but i had to give in to the cybershot 3.2 megapixels phone. well, i love the sony ericcson phone. the games inside are good! *thumbsup
byebye mont blanc
dun buy 4D! it's bad! okay, that's just my personal opinion.
it was faith birthday last wednesday, went for a birthday lunch with her, and guess what gary got her to pick 'luck numbers'. so i was kaypoh and went with them to buy the number too. it's my first 4D attempt [just for fun, but it's not fun at all :(]. i borrowed jimmy's mont blanc pen to draw the slip and stupid clumsy me left the pen at the counter. instant loss of like 300bucks?!! there goes mont blanc. i could feel the pain. jimmy was so sad when he discovered it's gone but he didn't blame me.. i felt even more worse :( promise not to buy 4D again, and i'd be careful with my belongings.
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-Sunday, August 13, 2006-
awesome weekend!
a fat weekend too! i feel so full and bloated and fat! arrrrh!
[coincidentally i had alot of Macdonald appointments this week, and most of clients wanted to eat too.. so i ate too! waaa! Macdonald's is so so fattening!]
okay, on Friday, jimmy brought me to Seoul Garden for dinner. heehee. We ate very slowly so we could eat more. and yes, we ate alot! on saturday, jimmy came to my place for dinner and my mum prepared western food for us. sinful! and this morning, jimmy and i went for ktv. with lunch. i shall not mention which ktv it is [pretty obvious anyway]. the lunch was good. but everything else was not. first, i read from their website that it's from 11am - 2pm? but when we reached, the super-not-so-friendly-cum-bochup-attitude recep told us we will 'tentatively' have the room until 1pm. why i asked why, she told me that if there's no need for the room, we can sing til 2pm. she didn't tell me the reason why. but hey! isn't it stated black and white 11-2pm? that's CHEATING.
ok, fine.
den, the microphone. well, they're known for lousy mikes. and indeed we got 2 lousy mikes. some guy came in and spent the first 15min checking on the mics and told us it is perfectly alright, and he left! apparently, we couldn't sing cos the mike cannot be used!! hello???? if they wanna give us mikes that doesn't produce sound i might as well go home and sing. finally, we 'feedback' to them again, and finally they gave us 2 better mikes, which well, are still lousy. and the system hang, and have to wait for it to restart. u guys might as well make the system hang like 20 times so that ur customers spend most of the time restarting the system and not singing?
and den, the sound system!! oh man! the feedback from the speakers is simply unavoidable! argh. and THANKS for the 'vibrations' caused by the lousy sound system. special effects? i dun need it really.
fine fine, it's cheap what can i say. but hey, if u wanna make it cheap doesn't mean u can compromise on ur service standards. and the worse is, even if i wanna pay more doesn't mean i get better service. because it seems that 'certain company' is now dominating the ktv industry, and they're taking for granted that they can provide lousy service just becos there's no other 'challenger'.
i shall pray that some entrepreneur comes along and challenge this certain company. hey, now consumers are more demanding ya know? keep up or drop out man!
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-Sunday, August 06, 2006-
this is so funnie!!!
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Jolin Tsai - Ma De Li Bu Si Yi (A Wonder in Madrid)
this is so cute! my fave song of the moment. i love the scenery in this video!
Treadmill dance!
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-Saturday, August 05, 2006-
i dun even know if i should be blogging about this. i'd probably be so incoherent u'd be confused by what i'm going to say. have u ever felt that life is unfair? i'm sure u have, everyone has. but i shouldn't, we shouldn't feel that way. it's not right, becos it's not even right to say life is unfair. unfair is not the word. i should probably use, life is not planned the same way for everyone by God. different people have different lives because God wants to manifest something different. so it depends on which plan u got. i tend to feel tired, i tend to feel alittle hard catching up with things going on in my life. sometimes i do feel on top of the world, but i simply detest the feeling of needing to catch up with life. it's moving too fast for me. or is it just that we can never get comfortable in life? we have to keep on meeting difficult things? it's like i just settled in my work, and things start changing, things start to turn alittle tough. i shouldn't say a little, i should say ALOT. A BIG DEAL of something now falls on my shoulders. i have no choice! [disclaimer:it's nothing to do with work, nothing to do with dear jimmy, no we didn't quarrel]i felt so unfair suddenly. i feel like i wanna scream, until this thing goes away. but the truth is right in my face, it's a fact, it's reality and i have NO CHOICE but take it. take that whole chunk. u can empathise, u can sympathise, but it's still my situation. its so hard to swallow. and things are not happening to help me cope. it's that DIFFICULT. no joke. i might be crushed anytime i am not keeping up with life. there's a few things i can do:
1)keep complaining on my blog and no one will know the reason why
2)keep it in my mind and be very super extremely exceptionally unhappy and let it affect my work, my life, my everything and eventually dear jimmy will be affected too but no one will know the reason why
3)blog it, but no one will know the reason why, be happy that i've blogged it, smile and move on with life! move abit faster, so that i do not need to feel like i am needing to catch up with life anymore.
apparently i have done number 3. the rest is up to me.
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-Thursday, August 03, 2006-
i feel very fearful suddenly.
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-Tuesday, August 01, 2006-
power of photoshop!!
today, i showed cles a photo which i photoshopped. she was very amazed. then we started to explore more, by helping sheldon to develop his facial features[expanded his nose!]. sheldon's photoshopped photo is really very funny, no offense to sheldon, today his birthday ma, so must sabo him abit den happy. happie birthday sheldon! very tempted to post his new picture here but not nice la. haha.
okay, let me show u a photo which i photoshopped, after isaac taught me a new trick.
it's almost unrecognisable right? the girl is supposed to be me, but after i made some changes, it's no longer the real me! i wish i had such defined jaws tho. :) see my hair, got curls too! so nice! the other changes u spot urself la.
got a new site to share
My Heritage
upload ur photo there to search for a celebrity who looks most like u. u'd be surprised. amused.
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