-Sunday, August 13, 2006-
awesome weekend!
a fat weekend too! i feel so full and bloated and fat! arrrrh!
[coincidentally i had alot of Macdonald appointments this week, and most of clients wanted to eat too.. so i ate too! waaa! Macdonald's is so so fattening!]
okay, on Friday, jimmy brought me to Seoul Garden for dinner. heehee. We ate very slowly so we could eat more. and yes, we ate alot! on saturday, jimmy came to my place for dinner and my mum prepared western food for us. sinful! and this morning, jimmy and i went for ktv. with lunch. i shall not mention which ktv it is [pretty obvious anyway]. the lunch was good. but everything else was not. first, i read from their website that it's from 11am - 2pm? but when we reached, the super-not-so-friendly-cum-bochup-attitude recep told us we will 'tentatively' have the room until 1pm. why i asked why, she told me that if there's no need for the room, we can sing til 2pm. she didn't tell me the reason why. but hey! isn't it stated black and white 11-2pm? that's CHEATING.
ok, fine.
den, the microphone. well, they're known for lousy mikes. and indeed we got 2 lousy mikes. some guy came in and spent the first 15min checking on the mics and told us it is perfectly alright, and he left! apparently, we couldn't sing cos the mike cannot be used!! hello???? if they wanna give us mikes that doesn't produce sound i might as well go home and sing. finally, we 'feedback' to them again, and finally they gave us 2 better mikes, which well, are still lousy. and the system hang, and have to wait for it to restart. u guys might as well make the system hang like 20 times so that ur customers spend most of the time restarting the system and not singing?
and den, the sound system!! oh man! the feedback from the speakers is simply unavoidable! argh. and THANKS for the 'vibrations' caused by the lousy sound system. special effects? i dun need it really.
fine fine, it's cheap what can i say. but hey, if u wanna make it cheap doesn't mean u can compromise on ur service standards. and the worse is, even if i wanna pay more doesn't mean i get better service. because it seems that 'certain company' is now dominating the ktv industry, and they're taking for granted that they can provide lousy service just becos there's no other 'challenger'.
i shall pray that some entrepreneur comes along and challenge this certain company. hey, now consumers are more demanding ya know? keep up or drop out man!
mayling signed off at
|9:10:00 PM|