-Friday, August 25, 2006-
tired and really sleepy
it's such a tiring 3 days for me but it's really great! i feel a bit sick now tho, body very warm. i pray it's not fever.
oooo, i've added 2 jolin's mtv in my previous entry. she is just so pretty and perfect-looking and she can dance. i'm not a fan of hers but she is just oh-so-nice-to-look-at. even as a female myself, i couldn't take my eyes off her mtv. she has changed alot since she started out. some have speculated that she's done plastic surgery, i'm not too sure, but she is pretty. and she looks different in most of her music videos. sometimes i cannot even recognise it is her at all. i wouldn't say she has a great voice, but she just has that xfactor and most of all, she is hardworking! she is determined not to be just another pretty-face. good for her :) respect her for that.
i've taken a few pics using my new phone.
here's me and my [dream] car. the license plate has been mosaic-ed to prevent people from buying 4D

and this poser
mayling signed off at
|7:33:00 PM|