-Tuesday, December 30, 2003-

today we had our appreciation party at church (chinese church hall), it's realli a BIG thing for us. Esp since we only had like 5 days to prepare everything! all the praise and worship, performances like cheers and dance, awards and appreciation, hospitality, ushering and security and everything! i am realli proud of my powerful CGL sis sher, she really makes things happen. sometimes i feel that i can't keep up with her faith and capacity, but it's really a challenge for me to be under such a powerful leader!

woke up realli early today at 6am, feeling sleepy... went to boonlay to meet the other members up and we went to church, but church was not open yet. so we gathered at the void deck near church and sis sher gave us a final briefing for the appreciation party. everything had to be done smoothly, cos we're expecting 20 over guests from other cellgroups to come.

when the church finally opened at 10am, everyone of us went in excitedly and started to set up the place.the sound system was only set up by around 11 plus and our rehearsal time was delayed. we just did the best that we can and thank God we managed to start at 1.30pm.

the guests that came were brother gabriel (my zone supervisor) and sister mag (brother gabriel's wife) , brother victor (e254), xiaoyun (n211), royston (e33), sister grace and brother jincai and brother eugene (leaders from pastor aries zone), melvin (guitarist! from e317), cindy teng (e317 to help us with sound) and gabriel (eh...dunno which cg, but came to help with sound too), desmond (eh... forgot which cg, but came to play drums for us), isaac (e39, to help us as cameraman). thanx for all of their help to put together a great Appreciation!
and of cos not forgetting the other guests who came to grace the occasion, the members from e39!!(ohya, zixiu was there... hmmm she didn't make much noise today tho... haha, just kidding. zixiu is a very funny person... she actualli pushed someone off the choir platform during soundcheck before christmas drama.)

the woodlands ring secondary school and marsiling secondary school students came up with revival cheers for their respective schools and it was impressive! i'm so amazed at their creativity and their talents! tho they're so young, but they are really have great ability, creativity and productivity!

we had a dance performance put up by sis sherling and the helpers (which includes me), after which we had a prize presentation time. we presented awards to our dear members who had outstanding performance in the cellgroup.after which, we also presented a 'secret' award to our beloved leader sis sherling (well, its not so secret after all, cos she saw the award by accident unfortunately...). it's called the Good Shepherd Award. after that, sis sherling also presented 2 special awards... Outstanding Leadership Award (presented to..... me!) and Outstanding ArmourBearer Award (presented to.... Kiong!). i was so touched when i got my award that i wanted to cry, i wanted to say something to sis sherling, but there's no time, so i tink i'd email her.

after that we had a powerpoint presentation to present the photos that we had taken from the beginning of e168 (june 03) til now. it's only like 6 months, but we had grown tremendously, and indeed, it's a quantum leap for us! i am so proud to be in this cellgroup, to personally witness the miracles of God and how endless and unlimited God's power is and how faith can realli overcome all impossibilities. it's an eye-opener to me, and until now, i cannot believe how a young cellgroup (the members are realli young, and we're only like 6mths old as a cellgroup) can achieve something so phenomenal. it's realli God! and it takes a powerful leader with great faith to do something like this too....

today is indeed a happy day for me. i see how the members are united together, and how we actualli put together an event like this within a few days preparations. and i realli appreciate those people who stayed up the night before to prepare the powerpoint and awards for us... feel so bad and sad that i wasn't there... thanx sis sher, gwyn, charlotte and karen!

mayling signed off at
|12:06:00 AM|

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