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-Thursday, September 04, 2008-
our little house up high above 九份老街
yes it's my house there! *enjoying the scenery
our house overlooks the mountains and the seas
the infamous auntie at jiufen laojie
it sure feels like home
really missing the place! given the chance, i'd definitely stay at jiufen again. it's so full of culture, and different from the city. having a chance to stay amongst the locals there, is an experience of a lifetime. i only pray that jiufen don't become too overly commercialised and cause the place to lose its unique flavor.
Counting down to my next Taiwan trip, Autumn 2009.
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-Wednesday, September 03, 2008-
开天窗 MV
it is soooo cute! open-chan [open 小将,7-11 mascot] and friends dancing!
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-Tuesday, September 02, 2008-
开天窗 - 五月天
一只鲸鱼 要怎麽放进冰箱
如果你 活的有一点悲伤
逆风时 就当成 在冲浪
一句歌词 怎麽让你很难忘
方文山 林夕和我都在想
想破头 也钻不进一个紧闭的心房
一个难题 要用多少的智商
多少泪 还有多少的盼望
多少人 变成紧闭门窗孤独的国王
我是 open chan 快乐的一天
跟你一起 OPEN! 喔喔喔喔!
当我刚开始听这首歌个时候,我并没有歌词。开始我只是听得懂前面的部分,觉得很可爱。 “一只鲸鱼 要怎麽放进冰箱 打开门 然後用力关冰箱 ”这一句听起来还蛮像千扁问答题的。
“是谁说彩虹不能长头上”这一举开始听起来也觉得有点怪。。 为什么彩虹要长在头上呢?
“我是 open chan 快乐的一天
跟你一起 OPEN! 喔喔喔喔!”open chan 是什么!差点就疯掉了。
原来open chan 是他。。
他。。。 就是7-11的mascot!! Open小将!
now everything kinda makes sense. 这首歌真得很可爱。
阿信的歌,都很有意思。不只是旋律好听,词中也包含了的很深的意义。拥有推动人,感染人, 感动人,鼓励人的力量。每次听五月天的歌,都会觉得人生中充满希望,也给我一种想追求自己梦想的一股冲动, 让我觉得,拥有自己的梦想并没有错啊。我是可以有梦想的。不开心的时候,听了他的歌就会开心起来了。Yes, sounds very cheesy right. But that is really how I feel. Can I just say his songs are just so therapeutic?
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-Monday, September 01, 2008-
30 Things I Wanna Do Before I Turn 30
There's an article in the current issue of Cleo about this.. the 30 things they list, most of them are quite dumb. So I shall make my own list that applies to me!
By the way, I am NOT 30 yet! So I've got a few years do complete my list. Hee.
1) Get married and have kid[s]
2) Lose 10kg
3) Travel alone to Taiwan for 2 weeks
I can only think of 3 now. Will update again.
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