-Monday, May 25, 2009-
I finally redeemed my mayday concert 2009 tickets!!
got a shock when i reached the sistic counter@ hougang at 9.20am .. I was like the 5th person in queue?? I was expecting an entire crowd there, but it seems that everyone had gone to indoor stadium to queue instead, yippee!
at 12noon, they finally opened up the counter for ticket redemption. i was kinda impatient with the first group of girls infront, took so long ... comeon, everyone wants the best seats, just becos u're redeeming 10 tickets u can hog the queue?? lucky for me, i managed to get row 5, which is actually the FIRST row and i get to be upclose with mayday again! yes , they have the external stage that goes round the indoor stadium, again!
my ROM nails, clear pink acryllic overlays with sculpted white flowers+mini crystals.

teamaxis photoshoot@ photolanguage. one of the photos taken by michelle using faith's camera.

counting down 3 days to ROM.
mayling signed off at
|9:20:00 PM|