-Wednesday, February 18, 2009-

There are so many things I wanna do this year!!

1) Lose weight
[which also translates into start working out, eating healthily, which also translates into sleeping early so that I can wake up early for jogging, swimming etc etc.. and also giving up my fave fastfoods, steamboat etc etc]

鱼与熊掌不可兼得。so do I want the fish or the palm of the bear?
Goal: Lose 5 + 3kg. The +3kg is due to the weight gain of 3kg over the past 2 months [travel travel + CNY, hopeless me] and workout more so that I can continue my love for steamboat.

2) Get Rich
[which also translates into working hard! making use of every minute, every second!]

Goal: Save $50,000 and above [fresh new money, not including what I have now]

3) Travel Alot
I hope this year would be a year of travelling for me!
January 09- went to Japan [Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo]
February 09 - should I mention the retreat to JB? :D
March 09 - Nil
April 09- Macau and Hongkong
May 09- probably no
June 09- likely Taiwan
July 09- probably no
September 09-USA!
.. -oh, maybe to Bangkok with the Fastrackers?
December 09- 99% Taiwan [Taipei, Hualien, Kaoshiung and Taichong, possible?] for Christmas AND New Year!

Goal: Travel alone to Taiwan. I must achieve this!

4) Regular in Church
It's time.

Goal: Block off 5.30pm-7.30pm every Saturday.

5) Recruitment for Jimmy

Yes I do make it a goal to help Jimmy recruit, and I take it very personally.

Goal: 5 more advisers for Jim!

6) To Blog everytime I travel.
This is tough. During any trips, it is already super tiring. Coming back to the hotel late, legs swelling, sleepy, hungry and all. The last thing you'd wanna do is turn on the laptop, upload pics, login to blogspot and blog. And after the trip, after 2 days of rest + sleep to recuperate from the holiday, I forget the itinery.

Goal: To write down in a travel notebook my itinery, all the places I went to, what I did, what I bought, how much I spent, what I ate etc. So that when I come back, I still can refresh my memory with the notebook!


Off to sleep! =)

mayling signed off at
|12:16:00 AM|

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