-Thursday, August 28, 2008-

I Resisted the Urge to Shop!

today is supposed to be a work day! Mr Lau Sai [acronym LS and literally Lau Sai-ed earlie this morning!] smsed me at 5am this morning to say he was having diarhea [lau sai] and we called off our work activity today. Sleepy me slept all the way til 11am. Well, not that I love to sleep til this late. Infact, I prefer to wake up at 7 or 8am every morning. Reasons: air is fresh and it is quiet. But the jetlag problem is getting me and I can't sleep earlier than 3am, for now. Tonight I'd try again, to sleep at 12mn.

Anywayz, I got up 11plus, cleaned up and went on msn. Talked to xiaoyun and we decided to meet up 3pm at AMK. ended up, I reached near to 4pm. So sorry!! Argh, i hate waiting for bus. I took a cab in the end.

We went to ah mei's.. tea was good but not the prata i ordered. totally cannot make it. pls don't order mushroom with onions. it is actually mushy mushrooms and onions soaked in awful curry. Well, actually i wanted mushroom and cheese. but they only had 'cheese' or 'mushroom and onion'. i asked for a mushroom and cheese but they can't, cos 'the mushroom and onions are blended together already'. it's quite funny actually. anyway, we chatted for really long.

went to artbox and i got [ANOTHER] scheduler. it's like my 4th one for this yr. haha. cos i keep getting sick of the old one and i change, that's why. so i've already thrown out 2 for 2008, 1 sitting on my table now and 1 new one that i bot today. on top of that, i've got 3 brand new ones in my drawer. i love schedulers! pdas have never been an alternative. i just love to write write write. sometimes, u may find random gossips or random thoughts written down in some corner of a page. that's the fun part!!

then we went to top 20, highly raved by faith. it's not bad really! tried a few dresses and tops but i didn't buy. i loved 2, but i decided to resist the urge and i did. congrats clarise!

that's all!!

mayling signed off at
|10:18:00 PM|

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