-Monday, March 24, 2008-

you might go.. "what? again?".
reasons why i fell sick [speculated]
1) didn't drink enough water since long ago.
2) big meal, 3 days ago
3) ate 2 slices of chocolate cake in one night, 3 days ago
4) had a big meal consisting of all unhealthy food, 2 days ago
5) slept after 3am for many nights
6) ate curry rice yesterday
signs i was going to fall sick
1) extreme sleepiness in the middle of the day
2) flaking skin on my nose and chin
3) acne
4) dry, cracking lips
anyway, it started yesterday. i felt really tired in the middle of the day, right after lunch at 3pm. i had an urge to just head to bed and sleep. but it wasn't possible, since i was right inside takashimaya. so i went back home and slept til i woke up to watch spop hurray.
i decided to sleep early, so i played sudoku at about 11.30pm and went to bed about 12am. few hours later, i was sneezing badly. very badly. and running nose. very bad running nose. forced myself back to sleep, so i need not get up many times to get tissue paper. when you're sick, u can't think properly. you get up many times to get tissue paper, when you could actually just put the tissue box beside you.
woke up this morning at i dunno what time, cos i was all groggy and smsed kenneth and jimmy that i can't go to office. back to sleep again.
went to buy strepsils. i'm having my lunch now. later i'd be taking the flu medicine and i'd be all groggy and concussed. i'm expected to be back in the office later today, but i'm not sure if i'd be able to. let's just sleep and find out later.
they reached me last week. from taiwan. on the left is the 2nd album, and on the right is their first. their 3rd album is with xiaoyun.
mayling signed off at
|12:31:00 PM|