-Thursday, March 13, 2008-

I have changed so much
I was busy changing the outlook of my blog and uploading pics when faith msn-ed me. She said she is reading my blog and she commented "it's diff". I wonder if she meant "difficult to read" or "different". She meant "different".
I didn't really take notice of this comment, til she asked me about my past blogs.
it triggered me to read some of my past blogs.. i'm so shocked. so many things in the past i forgot and can't really relate to noe.
i even watched this movie "Lemony Snickett's a Series of Unfortunate Events", and i don't remember i did. and i have no idea what this movie is about.
last time life was so much simpler.
it's just about friends, family, God and work.
now there are much more that i think about.
more complicated.
it's scary, thinking about the past. and how distant the past and present is.
time flies and it really did fly. and it will continue to fly. it's like sand seeping through ur fingers and there's no way u can stop it.
oh man, so negative!
mayling signed off at
|2:10:00 AM|