-Saturday, September 09, 2006-
happy birthday jimmy!
yesterday, 7 Sep, was Jimmy's 25th Birthday :)
we went to my secret garden.
birthday boy with his steak.

my crayfish with scallops spaghetti!

followed by ice-cream at swensens!

i ate cookie submit, reeeeeli yummizz. can't finish cos it's soooo tall!

one of the birthday gifts for jimmy


and a hand-made birthday card!

isn't it so creative? wahhhaaa..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! really hope u enjoyed urself :)
Tribute to OCS Meeting
let's see what's happening in the director's room very friday morning.
first, it's the managers and the 'older people' sitting nearer to the door...

and all looking so so serious, really to shoot questions. and notice the thick file in front of mr gary? he keeps records of what we say! arrrr!!
on the other side of the room, the floor, some looking bored, some expressionless, some in dreamland?

and when it's ur turn, u go up and share.

(see how attentive Aaron is)

(hmm.. and faith seems to be falling asleep [the one in green cardi] heehee)
and remember to say "i love to share!", the OCS code word or u'd kena 'oei'-ed by others.
change in blog layout
i've altered my blog layout to remove the frames. for the benefit of those who dunno there's a frame. aiz...
mayling signed off at
|12:20:00 AM|