-Thursday, July 27, 2006-
first birthday gift!
tomorrow i'm gonna be one year older already! happie or not? both i guess. it's weird how u wanna grow up when u're a kid and now that u're growing older u hope that time will move abit slower? talking about time going so fast, i'm always sad on sundays. it seems so short. it's like u wake up, and the next moment it's night time. and there comes MONDAY. scary MONDAY. my fave days are fridays and saturdays. it's like both days are psychologically relaxing to me. even if i were to have many appointments on those 2 days, i'd be very happy and relaxed. mondays are pretty stressful, tuesdays and wednesdays are boring. thursdays are a mix, it's a transition from boredom to excitement!
just like i am so exceptionally happy today! it's a transition from boredom to excitement, a transition from my birthday's eve to my actual birthday, and a transition from one year younger to one year older! how amazing! it's great when ur birthday falls on a friday isn't it?
oh yes, my very first birthday gift. i got it today! came in a pretty hot pink box with lime green ribbon! how super yummie! looks like a box of chocolates, but when i had a closer look, it's the cutie pen cles was raving about! how sweet of her and grace to get one for me. it's pearl, but i thought it looks like ivory, i love pearly and ivorish stuff. so princessy and girlish with a dash of royalty! on top of it, it looks milky and dreamy too. :) so so excited. got pics to show.
i took this with my laptop's camera, with the pen on the table. the camera is stuck on the top of the screen. what an ingenius shot!

and here in my hands is the princess pen! fit for a princess! wahaha. see how tiny it is. it's my blessing pen, 'for closing case one', as quoted from mrs clesphrin cheng.

will update with picture of the princess pen box. didn't bring home today.
mayling signed off at
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