-Monday, August 30, 2004-
my eyes leaking water
wooo.. dunno why today so lethargic. eyes v pain and water oozing out liddat.. u know, when u get realli tired, water comes out? i've been resting as much as i could. it was a fruitful weekend, i celebrated mum's b-day and i did some personal planning on sunday. and i am working towards some realy challenging goals, which i wun tell u here! *hahaz.
okie, me now in office now.. it's almost 7pm le.. but still working. haiz, altho i came to work late today [at 12noon] but i feel that my head is spinning.. and i think i haven't realli recovered from my sickness ba. now playing games.. and blogging of cos. haha. anthony just came back from downstairs, he treating me dinner! so cool. wahahaha. mayonnaise chicken rice. yummiz. wahaha. that's one good thing abt coming to horne road, u get lotsa nice food to eat. hehez.
kk.. now i go makan le kk? heee.
mayling signed off at
|6:45:00 PM|