-Saturday, August 21, 2004-
i can blog!
hmm.. i havent been blogging for like 5-6 days! partly cos i was super busy, and cos there's something wrong with my internet explorer. haiz..
yesterday was the first day of Eureka Programme.. the staff had a busy day! i was so busy, i didn't sit on my chair for the whole day until after cellgroup meeting. but it was realli a good experience and it was an interesting day! i pray that everyday will b a better day. :)
i was not feeling well last night when i was going home. i kept sneezing and i felt a fever coming.. so i told audrey i needa rest today cos i'm totally spent and sick. thank God she managed to find a replacement for children's church singer today.. thanks audrey too!
i won't be able to sing for choir today. cos i didn't attend the important choir practice, which i was not even informed about! i feel kinda torn away from choir since i got into BV.. i dunno so mani things.. now i can't even sing for choir. *sad
i need to go and do my work le. *tired.
mayling signed off at
|10:00:00 AM|