-Monday, April 19, 2004-
Thailand Trip Confirmation
it's a lOng and tiring day. and it's a day i wOke up real earlie ... first time since like 1 mOnth plus agO! *wOw.
weisiOng wOke me up at 7.10am! *sO cruel. he was meeting me 8am! i dun need 50min tO get ready lOr! *sulk. and he was late. *amazed. i gOt all ready at 7.30am sO i decided tO take a slOw walk tO the bus stOp and wait fOr him. i waited frOm 7.45am tO 8.10am.. i tOt he lOst his way! *haha. asked him why he wOke me up sO earlie and he said he tOt i needed to makeup... *lame.
we had breakfast and he ate alOt!! *amazed. hOpe he eats mOre and puts On mOre weight. *haha.
in the afternOOn, ian ian, nana, baObaO and me went to lavendar tO settle all the passpOrts things... siOng can't extend his passpOrt cOs he needs tO gO persOnally...
after that, we headed fOr gOlden mile [again]... spent like 3hours plus there to book everything! i am sOOO braindead nOw. sOO tired... finally it's dOne! yes!!
mayling signed off at
|10:17:00 PM|