-Saturday, April 10, 2004-
nOw i knOw i have nightrider hOme... haha. NR6!
earlier this day had been bOring! debOrah asked me if i wanna gO Out... sO we met up at Orchard at abOut 8pm and we went far east [saw baby tan there...]... anOther empty trip [as in, we didn't buy anything, except fOr pair Of earrings]...
see my earrings!
we met brOther eugene and darelene and anOther guy frOm her zOne @ swensens [they're gOing tO makan there... me and deb were heading fOr cineleisure]. 原来1 sister sher and brO tOny and sOme Other leaders frOm pastOr aries zOne were On the way tO meet them tOO... we waited fOr quite lOng and they still haven't arrived [没缘分 meet sis sher, sO deb and and i went Off tO cineleisure first].
wanted tO makan at lips cafe, but sOOO mani peOple [and we saw estella and eugene there]! den we went dOwn... wanted to gO buttercup cafe, but i felt it's quite bO tO gO there since we're gOnna leave sOOn... sO in the end, we ended up at BK, eating mushrOOm swiss.
very full ye! den went back to swensens tO lOOk fOr the leaders [cOs deb's newspapers are with brO eugene]... guess what, everyOne [brO tOny, sis pei'en, sis jO, sis meiyi, sis margaret, darelene, brO eugene, and the guy i dunnO the name and anOther sista i alsO dunnO da name... ] was there except sister sher, cOs she went to the ladies! wah, realli nO 缘分 tO see her liddat. haha. but deb and i went tO the ladies tO lOOk fOr her. haha. mOral Of the stOry? "make things happen la!"
after that deb and i walked tO sOmerset... den when i was crOssing the rOad... guess what? i slipped and fell dOwn intO the 求婚 pOsitiOn, right in frOnt Of 2 caucasian guys! argh. thrOw face! haiz... but i kept luffing lOr... and the guys kept asking me "are yOu Ok? are yOu Ok?"...
den miss the last train tO dhOby ghaut! thank GOd for nightriders... it's even faster den train lOr! shuzhen talked tO me all the way hOme... haha. thank GOd for sistaz like her! haha
mayling signed off at
|1:52:00 AM|