-Tuesday, April 27, 2004-

gOOd mOrning!

i wOke up at 9.19am! wOnderful sleep! hehe. actualli it's cOnsidered earlie tO me tOO. imagine that i used tO sleep like until 11 or 12? well, that's still nOthing cOmpared tO my dear friend whO can easily sleep til 2 or 3 ... heh, shall nOt say whO she is. make a guess? hahahaha

last night i dOwnlOaded a new ringtOne from samsung fun club! wOoOoOo! quite cOOL. heh. actualli wanted tO dOwnlOad 'clOcks'.. hmm... that'd be my next target.

i'm having a 'hangOver' frOm the cOffee yesterday! *headache. this is sO kuazhang!

hmmm...gOnna plan my day well. especially since i'm doing work at home today... tend to be more slacky. i'm leaving .... On thursday!! wOoOoOoO! please pray fOr me! and pray that i can buy lotsa things! heh....

okie..today.. i'd be doing this
*TRY to complete my workstuff
*Worship God! [yay]
*Change guitar strings [if there's extra time..wahahah.]
note:remember my previous call for kind sOuls to help me change strings? i've got 3! haha... egan,elaine and gary... thanx sOOOOOO much! but i'm tOO tied up with my schedule, no time to even bring the guitar out. opps.
*Pack my bag for the thailand trip
*Plan my shOpping list [OoOoO i love this part]
*call Singtel to check my autOrOam status
*read my bible [i've got a new ampified bible! so yummiz]

that's about all i hOpe. hee.

**Shuzhen: OoOoOo.. heh.. we've been sO bad these days hahaha. nOtti nOtti nOtti. take care of yourself when we're away! sleep before 12 k! kelly will be watching over u... hahaha.
**Elaine: ha! u wan black straws, thai apples and black toothbrush [there is! i've seen them before!]... sO how about black apples? oooo that'd be so interesting. anyway, u take gOOd care of yOur apple-self, will miss yOur hyperactivity, apple-madness... talk tO yOu sOOn!
**Creativity: take care of one anOther okie? heh, will miss one service with u guys... i'd miss singing fOr service tOO... and all the best fOr yOur exams... study hard and dun give cheekiOng a hard time on sunday during tuitiOn k! please bring yOur bOOks! esp. charmaine, jOhn, cedric and ryan! dun lemme hear that u all never study during the last 30min hor! haha. love ya lots.
**everyOne: [sings]i'm leaving on a jet plane... dun noe when i'd be back again... hah. will be back on 4th. praise the LOrd, my phOne has autOrOaming. TRY nOt tO call me, unless u miss me sOOOO much that U can't gO On without hearing my vOice. [hahahahahahahahah!]. U can sms me thO! i'd reply u! haha.

alright, time to start work. luv ya lots.

mayling signed off at
|10:29:00 AM|

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