-Tuesday, April 06, 2004-
EaStEr iS cOmInG lE wOr
flashes of the Passion movie kept coming to my mind and brought tears to my eyes... *sob. reaLLi caN't bEar to sEe DeAr JesUs die for mE oN thE cRoss bUt He did it aLL fOr mE, aNd U toO!
this weekend is EaSteR wor... so fAr i've gOt 4 fRens cOming, pRaiSe God! yestie, some of us sub-zone guys [me, nana, rara, kangkang, cecilia and her friend, dunnO wat's the name wOr.. nOel, bRo vIctOr] went to bRother GaBriel's sTudy cOrner to dO mAss cALLing ... fUn fUn!
aCtualli the caLLing wAs sUpposed to bE at cIty HaLL... sO nana and rara and me went there eArlie... [wanted to mEEt one of mY fRiendster Frens, yUmikO... bUt her lEssons kindA drag...]... deN bRo Vic called us 2 infOrm that the place changed to Tampines... dEn cAnnot meeT yUmikO le.
sO bAck @ tAmpines, wE wEnt tO sEE hAmster cAge... wE hAd a fUn time there imagining Ourselves as hamstErs and seeing whiCh cAge we'd like. den nana, bought the Space Station for pinky and brain [her 2 crazie hammies]... it's realli cyber looking, with nice plastic see-thru panels, a realli sophisticated slide, a bigger running wheel for her hammies to work out on, and a nice balcony-like looking area for them to chill out at night... no mAtter hOw cOOL it LooKs, iT's sTill a cAge! cOmeOn na, let ThEm Out fOr a rUn! bUy the lEash la!! and the haMMock for Them to rElax on! she alsO bOught chinchilla pOwder fOr them to bathe themselves.
aFter the caLLing... wE wEnt fOr dinner... was fAmished! gUess wat, i drank kOpi lOr... [i allergic to caffeine lOr...must be mad...]...den went hOme... den cannot sleep... den try to sleep hor... den giddy...den went o vomit out the coffee! argh... *yux
den the whole night cannot sleep...
mayling signed off at
|12:41:00 PM|