-Thursday, April 15, 2004-
bOOk of Isaiah... Part 2!
oooooo! i met xiaOyun at pOlar [a cafe at citilink]... we fellOwshipped and talked fOr a while... realli a very shOrt while, den i gOtta gO dOwn tO bOOn lay and meet zixiu and regina fOr dinner... happened to see renanana... but she wanna gO pet shOp [again!]. [sO scared Of gOing pet shOp with her]. we didn' gO with her in the end, cOs we needa have dinner den repOrt fOr chOir le. went to eat at the basement fOOdcOurt.. ate chicken pOrridge cOs i dun wanna be tOO full befOre i sing.
chOir didn't sit On stage tOday! sat at the side step, for the first half. the secOnd half, i went tO squeeze with n211. ha! my cg jOn bOught fOOd for us [e168]... oooooo sOOOO sweet!
after the bible study, it was very late le... sOOO i tOOk sengkang bus hOme. hmm.. tOnight nO jianfeng and shixiOng, Oni weisiOng. haha. great, someone to make me luff on the way home...
tOmOrO we're gOing cycling! with nana and rara lor... den at night gO geylang and makan. yay! lOng time nO gO le lor...
mayling signed off at
|3:35:00 AM|