-Friday, March 12, 2004-

Brother Tony's Combine Cellgroup in Church

Sis Sher called me @ 6.40pm. She asked me if I wanna go down and attend Brother Tony's Combine Cellgroup [Dream Center] @ church cos she was saying the band was good. It was starting @ 7.30pm! I wanted to see the guitarists so I quikly changed and rushed down to take a cab to church. $17.70... the cab fare [heartache]. I enjoyed praising God and worshipping too. However, I couldn't really see how the guitarists were playing... cos they were using electric guits, I know that electric guits are played more or less the same way, but i just can't really figure out how they're playing it. one day i'd buy an electric guit, i think it's really interesting and i'd love to use it for combine cg one day too!

mayling signed off at
|12:41:00 AM|

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