-Tuesday, March 23, 2004-

another About Me Questionnaire!

ever date someone younger than you?
not yet! haa

Someone Older:

Ever been drunk:
yea... when i was much younger. but not anymore and never!

Been in love:
yea... and now i am in love with Jesus

Loved someone who you knew you couldn't have:
oh yes...

Gotten in a car accident:
erm... a minor one tho.

Broken a bone:
hmm... fish bone, chicken bones... hiakz

Had your heart broken:
yea... feels bad

Cheated on someone:
nope, never

Been cheated on:
dun think so

Last time you said I love you to someone:

Last time you cried:
can't remember... not too long ago i guess

Last time you laughed:
just now!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years:
10 years.. become a worship leader for God, going on missions, married and having kids

What age do you see yourself married at?
latest 27 i pray

Describe your dream wedding:
hmm... something really dreamy, fairy tale-like? something pinky.. hehe

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
hehe, lotsa them! i've got 4 soft toys and 6 cute cushions on my bed! could have put more but my mum stuffed them away into my wardrobe...

If you could dye your hair one color what would
you dye?

Have you ever been skinny-dipping:
nah! never! hehe, unless in my own jacuzzi...

Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork?

Would you rather give or receive?
give...! it's more blessed to give! however, i'm very open to receive too. bless me if u dare!

How many homes have you lived in?
homes... 2? one in bedok, now in punggol..

Do you play any instruments?

One pillow or two?
i've got 1, but i need more!

Do you get along with your parents?

Do you drive?
no... i'm an idiot with road signs and traffic lights. and i am afraid of the traffic...

What kind of car do you have?
hmm... i dunno. but i like the volkswagen new beetle.

Whats your fav. color

Do you work?
not yet...

Whats your favorite food:
fries. haha.

Do you have braces:

How many guys/girls have you kissed:
lots! i love to kiss little children [on their cheeks!]... hehe

When was the last time you went on a date:
date? i date my gals every week... that considered? hehe [i'm not les!]

Have you ever got in serious trouble?
oh yes. in the past. and i am in serious trouble with the devil now cos he hates me for loving God so much!

Why is the sky blue:
cos... God made it to be blue! He could have made it pink if He wants but I guess He wanted it blue then!

Who was your first crush:
oh gosh... that's when i was in kindergarten, had a crush on my 2nd brother's classmate. haha. i was only 5!

When you meet a person of your preferred sex, you first notice their:
whether they are friendly [that is, if they talk to me],
and if they're humorous[i love humorous people!],
and whether they're comfortable with strangers[that tells alot abt their self-confidence].

Are you the romantic type:

Have you ever been chased by cops?:
hahaha... no!

What's a secret you've never told anyone:
dun have leh... God knows my everything. but He's not gonna tell u. heee

mayling signed off at
|11:50:00 PM|

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