-Monday, February 23, 2004-
i'm back from the BV audition!
thank God i managed to get through the first round and into the second.
we had to wait til 9plus for our turn... brother J and sister Ally auditioned us and i felt very encouraged by Brother J. he still remember that i went for the children's church BV audition and that time i was sick and did rather badly. he asked me how come the other time i didn't sing like today. and he said that he's very amazed that i did very much better den the previous time. really thank God and i was very happy when i knew that kailun and i got into the second round. kailun and i were frantically trying to find our way up to 4th floor [when the second audition was] cos the doors to the lifts were locked! haha. anyway, we went thru the leaders' lift and went up to the cafe... another long time of waiting again.
the second round was tough, sister annabel, brother calvin and brother mark were there... pretty stressful... shall not describe more about this.. hehe. anyway, they got us to sing some songs and have to sing parts by ourselves. i was quite surprised cos i thought they'd actually teach us parts before hand... oh, nvm, i just did what i could. i got the right alto part for the praise, but worship i was abit off for the alto part... keep me in prayer ya??
after that, we had to rush for the train cos it's really late!! went to bedok to draw cash and sent kailun home den made my way home... tired!! i thought of taking leave tmr but i realised i can't cos there's lotsa work to clear... better sleep soon.. bye!
mayling signed off at
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