-Friday, February 06, 2004-
guess what? i feel better now! i didn't go to work today again. i was afraid that my boss jason would be upset with me, but i really had to rest. 休息是为了走更长远的路. -->correct anot ah? anyway, those who cannot read chinese or dun have the chinese software, it means 'rest is necessary if i wanna go a further distance'. so i took the day off to rest.
1) i want to recover once and for all
2) i want to be active and cheerful again! [sickness makes me abit slow and blur, and can't talk properly.]
3) i need my voice for tomoro's audition [btw, i got into the 2nd audition for the children's church singer!]
4) i want to sing for service tomoro
5) i want to conduct guitar class and play for makeup cellgroup on sunday
6) i want my face to recover too [my face... *sob. got alot of BIG zits]
7) i wanna get back to work.... [if not no money!]
8) i dun wan my mama to worry for me!
hmm, ya, that's about all. ohya, thanx for not reminding me about my zits. i think my zone members are great. i had 3 huge pimples on my face last night, but none of my zone members came and say "wah, your pimple very big hor?". that's what i called discipled members with self-control!
what exactly is stomach flu? i know it produces lotsa wind in my tummy. den it makes me unable to feel that i am hungry or full. i didn't eat much yesterday, but i didn't feel hungry at all.
my cell members prayed for healing for me last night. i tot it's just a short prayer, but it ended up like a mini prayer meeting. hehe. i was really very touched by their initiative, and i know God's healing power came. i didn't feel very sick after the meeting, just abit blur.
ohya! yesterday at work, i had to switch pc with my colleagues. my desktop is shifted to jean's desk, so i had to use guoxing's laptop from now on. guoxing has no pc to use now. haaa. dunno how leh. i was feeling terrible yesterday so i just watched as the 3 of them [guoxing, jean and gilvin] moved the stuff around. yestie i was so dizzy, i spent like 2 hours staring into the laptop and doing nothing. but the 2hours realli seems like 4.
mayling signed off at
|12:18:00 PM|