-Thursday, February 26, 2004-

Fantastic Choir Practice

last night's choir practice was fun and funny! the new choir members joined us and the entire hall 6 was packed, there were people sitting on the steps! wooo... revival conference! nah... haha just kidding.

we learnt a new praise song from hillsong, and revised 'come holy spirit fall on me now'. now, there're changes in the lyrics. check this out:

Come Holy Spirit fall on me now
I need Your anointing, come in Your pow'r
I love You Holy Spirit, You're captivating my soul
And everyday, I long to love You more

I'm reaching for Your heart
You hold my life in Your hands hand
Drawing me closer to You
I feel Your pow'r power renews renew
Nothing compares to this place
Where I can see You face to face
Anoint me Lord I worship You
In spirit and in truth

Brother J was really funny. He 'discipled' us about personal hygiene! You should have been there! *luffs. i was luffing all the way, and Carter told me that he could hear my laughter tho i was sitting way behind and he was sitting right in the front. well, what to do, my voice projection good mah... haha just kidding.

alright, this is what Bro J did... he brought his bag to hall6 and literally showed us what's in his bag... 'teaching' us what are the things essential for personal hygiene and grooming, like De-odorant [more for guys], toothbrush and toothpaste, dental floss[must floss ur teeth after meals! cos food decays and produce bad mouth odor], mints and all that. i learnt alot tho it's so crankily funnie. He was literally talking like a salesman... so cute.

and after that, he talked to us about the BV audition, shared with us about not hurting our hearts in the process of striving for our goals. most of us in choir really desires to become BVs. Brother J says that when we're saved, God has put a seed of greatness in us, which will cause us to keep on dreaming big dreams for God, wanting to move on and not being mediocre. it's so true and that's what makes us so different. He says that as we're striving and working towards our dreams, we must know where we stand. Sometimes we may have big dreams, but it may not be the time yet or it's not what's intended for us. So in the process of striving, we must really guard our hearts and our soul and not let them be hurt when we never reach our goals.

after that, Brother J led us into worship and prayers [as usual, Brother J will always remember the spiritual aspect] and all of us were so ministered. the presence of God just came. that's what i really love about choir practices and brother J, it's not just about singing and duty, but it's really a spiritual ministry.

i remember 5 years ago when i was in old church in hollywood, the first choir practice i attended was conducted by Brother J and i still remember he led a worship song that goes "Holy Ghost, breathe upon me, into my soul, fill me with glory..." and i wept buckets! since then i've always admired the kind of spirit Brother J has.

mayling signed off at
|10:41:00 AM|

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