-Tuesday, February 24, 2004-
10, 9 , 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!
found this on friendster.com bulletin board.. find it very meaningful....
[10 of your favorite songs at this moment]
1 )wHere iS tHe lOve[bLack eYed pEas]
2) bEautiful[cHristina aGuilera]
3) oNe dEsire[mY fAve fAve wOrship sOng!]
4) nOw tHat yOu're nEar[mY fAve fAve pRaise sOng!]
5) i'M nOt sUpposed tO lOve yOu aNymore[bRyan wHite]
6) tEmple oF lIfe[aVril lAvigne]
7) 晴天[周杰伦]
8) 你怎么连话都说不清楚[周杰伦]
9) gRow oLd wIth yOu[aDam sAndler]
10) cLose tO yOu[cArpenters]
[09 things you're looking forward to]
1) bEcoming a bV[bAckup vOcalist] in cHurch
2) bEcoming a mAin sInger iN cHurch
3) bEcoming a sOngleader in cHurch
4) bEcoming a mIssionary and sInging fOr GOd aLL oVer tHe wOrld
5) bEcoming a cEllgroup lEader bY dEc 2004
6) fInding tHe rIght mAn! :)
7) sEeing mY fAmily rEceive sAlvation
8) sEeing mY mUm eVeryday
9) lASt bUt nOt lEast, mEeting GOd eVeryday aNd kNowing HIm mOre aNd mOre eVeryday
[08 things you enjoy doing most]
1) sInging, sInging and sInging [oH, tHat's sTill oNe tHing?]
2) lIstening tO pRaise n' wOrshIp n tRy tO fIgure oUt tHe pArts [i'M nOt gOod iN tHis, sO iT's tOugh fOr mE, bUt i rEalli eNjoy iT!]
3) wOrking oUt [nEed hEalthy bOdy tO sErve GOd! i hAte sIckness... tO tHe cOre!]
4) pLaying gUitar n tEaching gUitar
5) aTtending cHoir pRactices
6) wAtching aMerican iDol
7) hAnging oUt @ cAfe cArtel wIth rAra aNd nAna
8) sInging fOr cHoir eVery wEekend
[07 favourite memories]
1) sKipping cHoir pRactices in pRimary sChool tO pLay @ tHe pLayground aRound sChool oR hAngout @ bEdok iNterchange [haaa..]
2) cHoir pRactices iN sEcondary sChool wHere wE hAd 3 pRactices a wEek aNd eNds lIke 5-6pm [wHich was cOnsidered lAte], gEtting tOrtured bY cOnductress, lEarning tHe awful 4-pArts sOngs... wHere aLtos aNd bAss uSually sIng tHe mOnotonous pArts [lIke 10-sAme-nOtes iN a lIne??]
3) sTudents' cOuncil lIfe iN tJc. bUsy bUt cHallenging. mIss tHe mAss dAnces! wE wEre tHe dAncing kIngs and qUeens oF dA sChool!
4) cHurch cAmps iN sEcondary sChool [aNglican hIgh], fUn aNd tHe pEople wEre lOving... rEally fElt tHe pResence oF GOd tHo i wAsn't a bEliever yEt @ tHat tIme.
5) e272 dAys... wIth bRother jOhn[kNown aS aH jOhn tHen, kElvin pOon, zIxiu, cHewlIn, jOshua etc.]
6) cAmp aNtioch! fUn, cHallenging, gOt 2 kNow nEw pEople iN dA zOne! wIlliam bOoth [mY gRoup wAs cOol, wE gOt tHe wInning dRama!]
7) lEadership cAmp iN sEcondary sChool, wHere wE sTayed iN thE sChool hOstel fOr 2 wEeks. lOtsa aCtivities wHile sChool gOes oN aS uSual, sO iT wAs tIring! wE eVen tRied tO bReak iNto tHe lOcked sChool bUilding aT nIght, nOt sUccessful oF cOs. pLayed cArd tRicks wIth tHe sEcurity gUard oF tHe hOstel... hAha
[06 things you touch everyday]
1) mY hAir dEfinitely
2) lAptop
3) bEd, pIllow, blanket
4) hAndphone
5) tOothbrush
6) cOmb
....dUmb question.
[05 things you do everyday]
1) sIng
2) sLeep
3) eAt
4) tAlk
5) mEet GOd
[04 things you are good at]
1) sInging
2) gUitar
3) dEsign
4) wOrds, tAlking
[03 movies you'd watch over and over again]
1) LOTR [mY aLL-tIme fAve]
2) mOulin rOuge
3) 再见营火虫[a jap anime. must watch! very touching.]
[02 artists or bands you've seen live]
- sUn
-michelle chia
[01 person you'd spend your life with]
GOd. definitely
[took like 30min to do this! stimulates ur thoughts!]
mayling signed off at
|11:41:00 AM|