-Wednesday, January 07, 2004-

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
well well, let's see how true this is?
loveable and kind. *nods
abit slow. *shakes head. not true at all! i do things fast (sometimes too fast and too anxious tho... well, the bible says be anxious for nothing, so i gotta relax and be cool at times). i'd say i am a fast worker and fast walker too.
good food. *nods and cheers! yea man. nice food! no weirdo veggies like brinjal (yucky color), bean sprouts (looks like worms), ladies fingers (what's that slime???), sweet peas (which ain't sweet..)
good friends. *jumps in excitement. yea! friends to guide me in my spiritual walk (my leader and fellow helpers..), friends who're there to luff with me (luffing trinity...), friends to share burdens (hmm... Jesus of cos!)
good fun. *nods. good and holy fun!
mayling signed off at
|5:04:00 PM|