-Sunday, January 18, 2004-
hmm... tiring day! think i must exercise more *haaa... cos recently get tired very easily... and there's so many things to do, so i muz keep myself strong and healthy so that i can continue to serve God ya?
today is peijing's birthday so we celebrated for her! we had alot of fun at the riviera and since we had no meeting or discipleship after that, we all went off... the younger ones went home. carter asked me to go far east with him, audrey and veroy... and since his friend is driving, so i decided to go down. *haaa. his friend dropped us at bishan so we had to take train down... i was super hungry when i reached far east! we went to some ramen restaurant(which plays techno...) to eat. today is the first time i went out with veroy, he's a nice frenly funky guy! i was pretty tired today so i didn't talk much... actualli i talk alot one k... *haaa. i didn't really shop, cos i was on the fone most of the time, szehui and jingyi called me to conference chat, and here and there i was thinking of cellgroup stuff. tmr i muz really get my shopping done... going to far east (again!) after cellgroup.
i want to practice my guitar! but now cannot le... too late liaoz. before my neighbours come after me with a chopper, my mum would be scolding me already. hah. mayb i should get a guitar room that's totally sound proof? ya... dream on.
just now during service, i suddenly thought of alot of immediate goals that i wanna set for myself. more prayer time, more guitar time, and more SLEEP time! hehe. can i ask for 8hours of sleep everyday? 8hours of sleep + 9hours of work + 2 hours of travelling time + 2hours of guitar time + 1 hour of prayer time + 1hour of followup time + 2hours of miscellaneous time [which includes bathing, washing up, changing, makeup etc]+ 1hour of internet time = 26hours. hmm... so, i should cut down on my sleep time?
mayling signed off at
|12:31:00 AM|